| - A guest pannelist on the show.
- Emma Thompson (nacida el 15 de abril de 1959) es una actriz, comediante y guionista inglesa ganadora del premio Emmy, BAFTA y dos veces ganadora de un Oscar. Ella es también un mecenas del Consejo de Refugiados. Ella interpretó a Sybill Trelawney en las películas de Harry Potter.
- Emma Thompson is the voice of Celia Garcia.
- Emma Thompson is a British actress, comedian, screenwriter and author. She first came to prominence in 1987 in BBC TV series before moving into films in 1989.
- Emma Thompson (Paddington (Londen), 15 april 1959) is een Britse actrice en scriptschrijfster.
- Emma Thompson (Paddington (Londen), 15 april 1959) is een Britse actrice en scriptschrijfster.
- Emma Thompson (d. 15 Nisan, 1959) Emmy , BAFTA ve Akademi ödüllü İngiliz aktris ve senaryo yazarı.
- Emma Thompson (n. Londres, 15 de abril de 1959), es una actriz, comediante y guionista inglesa ganadora de los premios Emmy, Globo de Oro, Oscar y BAFTA.
- She's known for voicing Captain Amelia in Treasure Planet and Elinor in Brave.
- Emma Thompson est une actrice, scénariste et réalisatrice britannique qui interprète Sibylle Trelawney, l'étrange professeur de divination de Poudlard, dans la saga Harry Potter.
- Emma Thompson es una actriz, guionista y comediante inglesa.
- Emma Thompson (ur. 15 kwietnia 1959 r.) — brytyjska aktorka i scenarzystka. Dwukrotna laureatka Oscara. W ekranizacji Harry'ego Pottera zagrała nauczycielkę wróżbiarstwa Sybillę Trelawney.
- Emma Thompson er den skuespiller der spiller rollen som Sybill Trelawney i alle filmene.
- Emma Thompson (born 15 April 1959) is a British actress, comedienne, screenwriter and author known for her roles as Captain Amelia in the 2002 Disney animated film Treasure Planet and Queen Elinor in the 2012 Disney/Pixar film Brave. She is also well known for her roles as Sybill Trelawney in the Harry Potter franchise, and as Elinor Dashwood in Ang Lee's period drama film Sense and Sensibility. She also plays P.L. Travers in the 2013 Disney biographical drama film Saving Mr. Banks. Thompson also plays Mrs. Potts in the 2017 film, Beauty and the Beast.
- Emma Thompson (* 15. April 1959 in London) ist eine britische Schauspielerin, Produzentin, Drehbuchautorin sowie mehrfache Golden-Globe- und Oscar-Preisträgerin. In den Harry Potter-Filmen spielte sie die Rolle des Sybill Trelawney.
- Emma Thompson (born 15 April 1959) is a British actress, comedian, screenwriter and author. She first came to prominence in 1987 in two BBC TV series, Tutti Frutti and Fortunes of War, she won the BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for her work in both. Her first major film role was in the 1989 romantic comedy The Tall Guy. In 1992, Thompson won multiple acting awards, including an Academy Award and a BAFTA Award for Best Actress, for her performance in the British drama Howards End. The following year Thompson garnered dual Academy Award nominations, as Best Actress for The Remains of the Day and as Best Supporting Actress for In the Name of the Father.
- Thompson wurde in Paddington, London, geboren. Ihre Mutter ist die schottische Schauspielerin Phyllida Law, ihr Vater der britische Autor und Erzähler der Kinderfernsehserie The Magic Roundabout, Eric Thompson. Sie hat eine Schwester, Sophie Thompson, die ebenfalls als Schauspielerin arbeitet. Thompson's Pate war der britische Theaterregisseur und Autor Ronald Eyre.