| - Agro was a smiling pudgy little man always immaculately dressed and manicured. He wore a jet black toupee that was supposedly so sleek that it reflected flashing disco lights. According to the FBI, Agro had a prescription for lithium. Additionally, he took medications for heart problems that stemmed from high blood pressure and for a lung ailment. Standing 5'5, Agro was a classic bully who enjoyed beating up people. Since he was sickly as well as small, Agro always needed several henchmen to hold down his victims so he could safely torture them. Agro was known to carry a pair of sharpened scissors on him at all times. In 1975 or 1976, Agro became a made man, or full member, of the Gambino family. Agro was sponsored for membership by Joseph N. Gallo, the family consigliere. He worked under Joseph Armone, one of Castellano's most trusted associates. While Agro was never promoted above street-level soldier, he enjoyed a privileged relationship with family boss Paul Castellano. During this period, Agro was sent to prison for bookmaking. By 1976 Agro was dividing his time between New York and Palm Beach County, Florida.