| - Located in The Last Homely House, Rivendell, Trollshaws
- Aragorn is a normal Koopatrol, and a member of the Dark Schneiders. Other than the fact that he lived in Biene City all his life, not much is known about this mysterious character, as he keeps his past a secret. What could he be hiding from the world?
- Aragorn ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe The Lord of the Rings, die 2012 auf den Markt gekommen ist.
- Aragorn, noto anche coi nomi Aragorn II, Elessar, Thorongil, Grampasso, Gambelunghe, Piedealato, Estel, Telcontar, fu il 18° Capitano dei Raminghi del Nord, il 26° Re di Arnor, il 35° Re di Gondor e Primo Re Supremo dei Reami Unificati di Gondor e Arnor col nome di Re Elessar Telcontar. Egli fu un grandissimo guerriero e come erede di Isildur ebbe come arma la spada Narsil, riforgiata col nome di Andúril, durante la Guerra dell'Anello. Fu incoronato Re di Gondor e Arnor nel 3019 TE e il suo fu uno dei regni più lunghi della storia di Gondor, regnando per 122 anni. Morì a Minas Tirith nell'anno 120 QE all'età di 210 anni, cedendo il potere a suo figlio Eldarion.
- Aragorn's name was officially changed to Eragon in 2006. Also, he is no longer considered a member of the Fellowship of the Ring, to keep their numbers even with planets.
- Aragorn II, the son of Arathorn II, and Gilraen, also known as Elessar, was the 16th Chieftain of the Dúnedain of the North; he was later crowned King Elessar Telcontar (March 1, 2931 - FO 120 or SR 1541), the 26th King of Arnor, and the 35th King of Gondor and First High King of the Reunited Kingdom. He was a great warrior, and as the heir of Isildur bore the shards of Narsil, reforged and renamed Andúril, in the War of the Ring.
- Aragorn is a human ranger and is the King of Gondor. He appears in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
- Aragorn ("Valor de rey" en sindarin) es un personaje ficticio del legendarium de J.R.R. Tolkien, uno de los principales de las tres novelas de El Señor de los Anillos. Nació el 1 de marzo. Era capitán de los montaraces del norte, segundo de ese nombre, hijo de Arathorn II y de Gilraen, apodado Trancos en Bree, conocido como Thorongil (el "Aguila de la estrella") en Rohan y Gondor en los días de Thengel y Ecthelion II, de niño conocido en Rivendel como Estel ("Esperanza"), capitán de los Pueblos Libres durante la Guerra del Anillo y después, gobernante del Reino Unificado de Gondor y Arnor bajo el nombre de Elessar Telcontar.
- Aragorn II, Son of Arathorn, also known in the wild as Strider, is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, and the tritagonist of The Lord of the Rings. He is a Ranger of the North, first introduced by the name Strider, which the hobbits continue to call him. At the end of The Lord of the Rings, he is crowned King Elessar Telcontar, Lord of Gondor.
- Recruited from: Men of the West Fortress Cost: 3000 (2000 in RotWK) Command Points taken: 50
- Aragorn, also known as Elessar, Strider, Estel, Thorongil, Envinyatar, and a host of other names in the various tongues of the northwest of Middle-earth, is a character in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy.
- Virus.DOS.Aragorn.1522 or Aragorn is a virus that runs on MS-DOS.
- A fictional character from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Much beloved of many a fair maiden. And also made it into Join Me Top Trumps.
- Aragorn o Grampasso è il legittimo Re di Gondor e ultimo discendente di Isildur. Capito Boromir? È lui l’unico Signore di Gondor e vedi di non rompere più. Dopo questa piccola precisazione possiamo affermare con certezza che egli è buono, giusto, saggio e bisessuale.
- Aragorn is the level three master. His weapon is the Twin Swords. He has 70 Hit Points and a strength of 35. You require 1000 experience to challenge Aragorn.
- Aragorn was the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen. He was the last Chieftain of the Dúnedain and a direct descendant through many generations of Isildur, the last High King of both Arnor and Gondor. Aragorn would become the greatest Man of his time, leading the Men of the West against Sauron's forces, helping to destroy the One Ring, and reuniting the Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor.
- Aragorn II Elessar Telcontar was een Man van het verwoeste rijk Arnor. Hij was het Zestiende Hoofd van de Dúnedain en werd later gekroond tot Elessar Telcontar. Hij was de Zesentwintigste Koning van Arnor en de Vierendertigste Koning van Gondor. Hij stichtte het Herenigde Rijk en leidde de Mensen van het Westen naar de overwinning. Hij was een machtige krijger en de Erfgenaam van Isildur. Hij was de zoon van Arathorn II en Gilraen. Hij droeg de Scherven van Narsil en liet het hersmeden tot Anduril, de Vlam van het Westen. Hij werd de grootste man van zijn tijd genoemd.
- Aragorn es un personaje que aparece en LEGO El Señor de los Anillos. thumb|left|280px|Aragorn hijo de Arathorn y Gilraen Categoría:Personajes
- Recruit Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the King of Gondor. He was the chieftain of the Dunedain of the North and the first High King of Gondor and Arnor since Isildur. Aragorn II, the son of Arathorn II and Gilraen, also known as Elessar, was the 16th Chieftain of the Dúnedain of the North; he was later crowned King Elessar Telcontar (March 1, 2931 - FO 120 or SR 1541), the 26th King of Arnor and the 35th King of Gondor. He was a great warrior, and as the heir of Isildur bore the shards of Narsil, reforged and renamed Andúril, in the War of the Ring.
- Aragorn was the son of Arathorn and he was known as Elessar and also called Estel (which means hope in Elvish). Of course the men in Bree called him Strider. When he was younger and lived in Gondor he was called Thorongil because he had to had an assumed name because he couldn't reveal himself. Knowing this information well enough to recite it, unprovoked, will make you the coolest kid in school, and will totally get you laid.