Trazz is a Fire-type trainer and Gym Leader of Obsidian City in the Atora Region in Pokémon Sun & Moon Versions. A Heatran is the cornerstone of his team.
Trazz is a Fire-type trainer and Gym Leader of Obsidian City in the Atora Region in Pokémon Sun & Moon Versions. A Heatran is the cornerstone of his team.
Trazz captured Heatran after searching for it in Mt. Obsidian with the help of Ash and co. It has become his main battling Pokémon as a result and blasted Team Rocket away with little to no effort. Despite this, it still fell to a Thunderbolt from Ash's Pikachu in battle.
Heatran's known moves are Magma Storm and Metal Claw.
Torchic seems to be Trazz's partner Pokémon and is almost always seen on his shoulder.
Torchic's battling strengths are unknown.
Charizard was only seen briefly in a flashback battling against Alisyn's Articuno.
Charizard was not seen using any moves.
Trazz is a Fire-type trainer and Gym Leader of Obsidian City in the Atora Region in Pokémon Sun & Moon Versions. A Heatran is the cornerstone of his team.