| - Player Name: John Yahoo! ID: Razor_Bloodthorne Forum Handle: Kabe Character Occupation: Mercenary, Pilot, Smuggler, Teras-Kasii Expert Character Species: Human Character Homeworld: Corellia Gender: Male Age: 27 Standard Years Height: 5'11" Weight: 187 Eye Color: Gray-Blue Hair Color: Short, black Physical Description: Average height, but powerfully built from training from a young age. Very athletic physique. Moves very smoothly, and his gray eyes can be gentle and open to calm, cold, and calculating, seeming to see right through people. Distinguishing Marks: Several small blaster scars Background:
| - Player Name: John Yahoo! ID: Razor_Bloodthorne Forum Handle: Kabe Character Occupation: Mercenary, Pilot, Smuggler, Teras-Kasii Expert Character Species: Human Character Homeworld: Corellia Gender: Male Age: 27 Standard Years Height: 5'11" Weight: 187 Eye Color: Gray-Blue Hair Color: Short, black Physical Description: Average height, but powerfully built from training from a young age. Very athletic physique. Moves very smoothly, and his gray eyes can be gentle and open to calm, cold, and calculating, seeming to see right through people. Distinguishing Marks: Several small blaster scars Force Sensitive: Yes Weapons: (Carried) 2 DH-44 ‘DeathSinger’ blaster pistols, 2 vibro-knives, 1 vibro-shiv, (not carried.) A small but viable collection of repeaters, carbines, rifles, and several slugthrowers Relatives: Dierk Stele (deceased), Nigel Stele (Father, unknown status), Miska Stele (Mother, unknown status), Garash Stele (Younger brother, missing, unknown status) Affiliation: Jedi Order (Unofficial) Background: Return to the Character Database