Released after the original concept teaser, this trailer first shows the return of Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 as she stars alongside Moira Burton, daughter of Barry Burton. Claire and Moira are seen attending a party of the headquarters for the organization they are both a part of, TerraSave, while Claire is being watched. Armed military operatives infiltrate the event and abduct Claire, Moira, and others. Claire awakens inside a cell of an abandoned prison facility with a strange bracelet around her wrist and is subsequently subjected to the horrifying secrets of the island and its inhabitants, the Afflicted.
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| - Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - First Trailer
| - Released after the original concept teaser, this trailer first shows the return of Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 as she stars alongside Moira Burton, daughter of Barry Burton. Claire and Moira are seen attending a party of the headquarters for the organization they are both a part of, TerraSave, while Claire is being watched. Armed military operatives infiltrate the event and abduct Claire, Moira, and others. Claire awakens inside a cell of an abandoned prison facility with a strange bracelet around her wrist and is subsequently subjected to the horrifying secrets of the island and its inhabitants, the Afflicted.
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| - Released after the original concept teaser, this trailer first shows the return of Claire Redfield in Resident Evil: Revelations 2 as she stars alongside Moira Burton, daughter of Barry Burton. Claire and Moira are seen attending a party of the headquarters for the organization they are both a part of, TerraSave, while Claire is being watched. Armed military operatives infiltrate the event and abduct Claire, Moira, and others. Claire awakens inside a cell of an abandoned prison facility with a strange bracelet around her wrist and is subsequently subjected to the horrifying secrets of the island and its inhabitants, the Afflicted.