| - JumpBuffers() is a routine that will present a list of recent buffers, gathered from the jumplist. Mappings can, of course, be set to taste. I myself use these: " Note this overrides :goto nmap go :call JumpBuffers() nmap 2go " Remap builtin 'go' nnoremap g go Note that a count preceding the mapping will bypass the prompt and jump directly to the referenced buffer. Screenshot JumpBuffers source function! JumpBuffers() let jumptxt = "" redir! => jumptxt silent jumps redir END let byName = {} let byIndex = [] for line in reverse(split(jumptxt, '
')) let name = strpart(line, 16) let bufno = bufnr(name) if len(name) > 0 && bufno >= 0 && !has_key(byName, name) let byIndex += [{'name': name, 'bufno': bufno, 'ix': len(byIndex)+1}] let byName[name] = len(byIndex) endif endfor if v:count > 0 if len(byIndex) >= v:count echomsg "Count ".v:count." Jumps to ".byIndex[v:count-1].bufno execute "buffer ".byIndex[v:count-1].bufno endif return endif echohl Special echo "No Buffer Name" echohl None for ent in byIndex echo printf("%2d %6d %s", ent.ix, ent.bufno, ent.name) endfor let ix = input("Type number and (empty cancels): ") + 0 if ix > 0 && ix <= len(byIndex) execute "buffer ".byIndex[ix-1].bufno endif endfunc For downloading the latest version, see: