| - Thug #1: You picked the wrong place to land, you marine brat. You must be a complete fool if you think you can take me in all on your own, I'll make you wish you had never followed me here. Thug #2: I..I don't think he's listening to you boss. Hey you, didn't you hear what he said? Thug #3: Do you have any idea who he is? He's Captain Tuber, the dreaded File:Bsymbol10.gif30,000,000 pirate from West Blue. Thug #4: Of course he knows who the captain is you idiot, he followed him here to try and catch him, didn't he? Thug #2: Can you hear that, he's singing, the bastard's completely ignoring us.
| - Thug #1: You picked the wrong place to land, you marine brat. You must be a complete fool if you think you can take me in all on your own, I'll make you wish you had never followed me here. Thug #2: I..I don't think he's listening to you boss. Hey you, didn't you hear what he said? Thug #3: Do you have any idea who he is? He's Captain Tuber, the dreaded File:Bsymbol10.gif30,000,000 pirate from West Blue. Thug #4: Of course he knows who the captain is you idiot, he followed him here to try and catch him, didn't he? Thug #2: Can you hear that, he's singing, the bastard's completely ignoring us. Marine: (Singing in a soft voice, as if to himself.) File:Music.svg We're gonna gather all our dreams.File:Music.svg Thug #3: Is he, is he singing that song? Tuber: Who cares, everyone, attack him! Marine: File:Music.svg And set in search of something we desire, One Piece!File:Music.svg Marine: File:Music.svg Compasses only cause delays, delirious with excitement, I take the helm.File:Music.svg Tuber: Damn you, do you think you can make fun of me like that? I am the great Captain Tuber, I have a bounty of File:Bsymbol10.gif30,000,000 on my head. I'll eat you for dinner, you little shit. Marine: File:Music.svg We're gonna gather all our dreams, and set in search of something we desire.File:Music.svg Tuber: Hey, where do you think you're going? Didn't you come here to catch me? Marine: File:Music.svg A coin in my pocket, and you wanna be my friend? We are, we are on the cruise! We are!File:Music.svg Marine: (Stepping up to the barkeep, pulling out a piece of paper from a pocket.) Excuse me, but have you seen this man? Barkeep: N...no. I have never seen that man. Marine: Oh, is that so. Very well, thank you for your assistance. Tuber: Oy, who the hell do you think you are, you little brat? You think you can just beat up my crew and I'll let you walk away with that? Marine: Me? I'm Hawkins D. James, Marine Commodore. Who are you? Tuber: I'm Captain Tuber, weren't you here to catch me? Jim: Tuber, like the root? Never heard of you. Tuber: Why you bastard! Jim: (His voice suddenly much more cold and calculating as compared to what it had been so far.) I was told not to cause any trouble here, but you seem to be very eager to try and make me go against that. Shatter, pirate captain Tuber. Jim: (Kneeling next to the defeated pirate.) You could have gone back and helped your crew, but instead you chose to come after me just because I mad you look like a fool? Scum like you don't deserve to live. Jim: (To the barkeep, as he passes by where he is standing.) Some Marines will be here to take these pirates away, till then keep an eye on them. To be continued.