| - In media there's a tendency for siblings to be portrayed as opposites. Enter the Foolish Sibling and the Responsible Sibling. In this trope there will be one sibling who is foolish, usually acting melodramatically and prone to doing irresponsible and impulsive things. He or She may be louder, more outgoing and usually more popular (or at least try to be), desiring attention, especially from the opposite sex. Usually they don't have outright bad intentions, they just doesn't understand that anything they do can have consequences for themselves or other people. Alternatively, he or she may just be a Horrible Judge of Character and get involved with the wrong people on a regular basis; they refuse to believe their "friends" could be anything but pure of heart, despite obvious evidence to the
| - In media there's a tendency for siblings to be portrayed as opposites. Enter the Foolish Sibling and the Responsible Sibling. In this trope there will be one sibling who is foolish, usually acting melodramatically and prone to doing irresponsible and impulsive things. He or She may be louder, more outgoing and usually more popular (or at least try to be), desiring attention, especially from the opposite sex. Usually they don't have outright bad intentions, they just doesn't understand that anything they do can have consequences for themselves or other people. Alternatively, he or she may just be a Horrible Judge of Character and get involved with the wrong people on a regular basis; they refuse to believe their "friends" could be anything but pure of heart, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. Their antics will be their undoing, getting them into trouble for which there is no one but him or herself to blame. The Foolish Sibling may be a Bratty Teenage Daughter, Alpha Bitch, Fille Fatale, Casanova, Man Child or The Ingenue. The other sibling is usually the elder of the two and will follow all the rules about how one is supposed to act and behave, being an exemplary version of a Proper Lady or The Dutiful Son. He or she is often more of a parental figure in the other sibling's life, even if their actual parents are still present. She or he might be quieter or plainer, though usually they are only quiet or plain by comparison to their obnoxious other sibling, and doesn't qualify as a Shrinking Violet or The Quiet One at all. Is almost undoubtedly smarter though, and may be portrayed as a Bookworm, or just very concerned about rules, social and moral. Generally the responsible sibling will try to steer their foolish sibling to the right path, taking it on him or herself to look after the kid, and make attempts to curb the other sibling's behavior. This seldom works, however, at least not until the end when the Foolish sibling gets their comeuppance or realizes the error of their ways. A subtrope of Sibling Yin-Yang. Usually involves an Aesop about the right way to act, that is to say, be more like the responsible sibling and not the foolish sibling (although the responsible sibling may learn a lesson about "loosening up" and "having fun"). And while the Responsible sibling is usually the elder of the two, the roles can be switched, with the younger sibling being the responsible one. Another possibility is a middle child being the responsible one to his or her older and younger siblings. Also compare Right Way, Wrong Way Pair, The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry and Cain and Abel. Examples of Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling include: