| - Er spielte Commodore Stocker in der [[]]-Episode . Darüber hinaus hatte Drake in seiner über 40 Jahre währenden Karriere zahlreiche Auftritte in Film- und Fernsehproduktionen. Neben Star Trek hatte er Gastauftritte in TV-Serien wie Am Fuß der Blauen Berge (1960/1961, u.a. mit Brad Weston und Joanne Linville), Solo für O.N.K.E.L. (1967, u.a. mit Robert Ellenstein), Auf der Flucht (1967, u.a. mit Vince Howard), Mannix (1967, u.a. mit Joseph Campanella, Vic Perrin, Morgan Jones und James Daris), The Name of the Game (1969/1970, u.a. mit Budd Albright, Booker Bradshaw und Davis Roberts), Planet der Giganten (1970, u.a. mit Don Marshall), Der Chef (1971, u.a. mit Barbara Anderson), Kobra, übernehmen Sie (1972, u.a. mit Chuck Hicks), Cannon (1975, u.a. mit Fritz Weaver), Harry-O (1974, u.a. mit
- Drake comparve in quasi 80 lungometraggi, iniziando principalmente con brevi apparizioni e ruoli minori e lavorando in classici del cinema come Notre Dame (titolo originale: The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1939), Il sergente York (1941), e ne Il mistero del falco (titolo originale: The Maltese Falcon - 1941). Successivamente ottenne ruoli di maggior supporto come nel di fantascienza classica del 1953 Destinazione... Terra (titolo originale: It Came From Outer Space) e in Until They Sail del 1957, quest'ultimo diretto da Robert Wise e interpretato da Jean Simmons.
- Drake has appeared in nearly 80 feature films. He began primarily as a background extra and bit player, making brief appearances in such classic films as The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), Sergeant York (1941), and The Maltese Falcon (1941). He soon began taking larger supporting roles in films such as the 1953 science fiction classic It Came From Outer Space and 1957's Until They Sail, the latter of which was directed by Robert Wise and starred Jean Simmons.
| - Drake has appeared in nearly 80 feature films. He began primarily as a background extra and bit player, making brief appearances in such classic films as The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939), Sergeant York (1941), and The Maltese Falcon (1941). He soon began taking larger supporting roles in films such as the 1953 science fiction classic It Came From Outer Space and 1957's Until They Sail, the latter of which was directed by Robert Wise and starred Jean Simmons. Perhaps his most well known film roles were as Dr. Sanderson in the 1950 comedy Harvey and as "Brandon" in the 1955 war epic To Hell and Back. He also made several appearances on the television series Wagon Train. He frequently appeared in director Anthony Mann's two films, Winchester '73 (1950) and The Glenn Miller Story (1954), as well as classic films such as the science fiction Tobor the Great (1954) and Douglas Sirk's 1955 melodrama, All That Heaven Allows.
- Er spielte Commodore Stocker in der [[]]-Episode . Darüber hinaus hatte Drake in seiner über 40 Jahre währenden Karriere zahlreiche Auftritte in Film- und Fernsehproduktionen. Neben Star Trek hatte er Gastauftritte in TV-Serien wie Am Fuß der Blauen Berge (1960/1961, u.a. mit Brad Weston und Joanne Linville), Solo für O.N.K.E.L. (1967, u.a. mit Robert Ellenstein), Auf der Flucht (1967, u.a. mit Vince Howard), Mannix (1967, u.a. mit Joseph Campanella, Vic Perrin, Morgan Jones und James Daris), The Name of the Game (1969/1970, u.a. mit Budd Albright, Booker Bradshaw und Davis Roberts), Planet der Giganten (1970, u.a. mit Don Marshall), Der Chef (1971, u.a. mit Barbara Anderson), Kobra, übernehmen Sie (1972, u.a. mit Chuck Hicks), Cannon (1975, u.a. mit Fritz Weaver), Harry-O (1974, u.a. mit Henry Darrow, Laurence Luckinbill und Phillip Pine), Police Story (1975, u.a. mit Robert Sampson, Stanley Kamel, Jerry Daniels und Tom Ormeny) und McMillan & Wife (1976, u.a. mit John Schuck, Jason Evers und Bill Quinn). Zu seinen Filmauftritten zählen u.a.: Endstation Paris (1961, u.a. mit Joseph Mell und Majel Barrett), Der dritte Tag (1965, u.a. mit Sally Kellerman und Ed Peck) und Am Abgrund des Todes (TV 1975, u.a. mit James Darren, Percy Rodriguez, Alan Oppenheimer, Paul Carr, Tony Young und Rod Arrants).
- Drake comparve in quasi 80 lungometraggi, iniziando principalmente con brevi apparizioni e ruoli minori e lavorando in classici del cinema come Notre Dame (titolo originale: The Hunchback of Notre Dame - 1939), Il sergente York (1941), e ne Il mistero del falco (titolo originale: The Maltese Falcon - 1941). Successivamente ottenne ruoli di maggior supporto come nel di fantascienza classica del 1953 Destinazione... Terra (titolo originale: It Came From Outer Space) e in Until They Sail del 1957, quest'ultimo diretto da Robert Wise e interpretato da Jean Simmons. Probabilmente i suoi ruoli cinematografici meglio conosciuti furono il Dr. Sanderson nella commedia Harvey del 1950, e la parte di "Brandon" nel film epico di guerra To Hell and Back del 1955. Partecipò inoltre a diversi episodi della serie televisiva Wagon Train.