| - After finding and activating the Hyperion, the Danuar weapon, Beritra gained valuable knowledge of Ide. Although the weapon is now in ruins by the hands of Daevas, it has not stopped the Dragon Lord from finding ways to use Ide for building massive war machines for his latest plans. Along with the information about teleportation devices acquired from the Linkgate Foundry, Beritra managed to launch a full offence on not only Balaurea, but Elysea and Asmodae alike. Initial sightings of these attacks took place in Danaria by Shugos and guards. According to them, these dangerous weapons appeared all of a sudden and disappeared the same way. Daveas were dispatched to investigate these events, resulting in a great worry for them. In response to the imminent threat, Daevas were sent to destroy them as they popped. Although considered just a sheer force attack, Beritra's plan had more sinister motives. With these constant attacks, the Balaur desired the complete destruction of several Balaurean zones; Sarpan, Tiamaranta, Katalam and Danaria. With these areas destroyed, these lands would be swallowed by the abyssal sea and the hidden continent would rise revealing the seal created by Tiamat to hold a special power wished by Beritra.