| - Godly is a 2012 American supernatural thriller horror film written by Ryne Douglas Pearson & Juliet Snowden and directed by Saman Keshavarz marking his directorial debut. The film stars Jeremy Renner, Kerry Washington, Ewan McGregor, Carey Mulligan, Chace Crawford, Dave Franco, Isabel Lucas and Nathalie Kelley. The film was met with mixed reception from critics put in great comparison with Carter Smith's 2008 horror film the Ruins an adaption of the Scott B. Smith book of the same name.
| - Godly is a 2012 American supernatural thriller horror film written by Ryne Douglas Pearson & Juliet Snowden and directed by Saman Keshavarz marking his directorial debut. The film stars Jeremy Renner, Kerry Washington, Ewan McGregor, Carey Mulligan, Chace Crawford, Dave Franco, Isabel Lucas and Nathalie Kelley. The film is distributed by Paramount Pictures and Ghost House Pictures. The film concerns three young adults and six teenage youths who become stuck atop a rock formation during a set of raging rainstorms and find themselves being prayed upon by some of Greek Mythology's most infamous gods. The film was released theatrically in cinemas on May 14th, 2012 and was released on DVD and Blu-Ray Disc on October 16th, 2012. The film was awarded with a Saturn Award nomination for Best Horror film 2012 (losing out to Joss Whedon's The Cabin In The Woods) but came runner up and secured a satellite award for actress Isabel Lucas, For Best Stand Out Actress In A Horror film. The film was met with mixed reception from critics put in great comparison with Carter Smith's 2008 horror film the Ruins an adaption of the Scott B. Smith book of the same name. The film is produced by master horror filmmaker Sam Raimi (Of Evil Dead, Spider-Man and Drag Me To Hell Fame) and comedic actor Chris O'Dowd (star of Oscar nominated cult classic Bridesmaids).