Bnahabra are Neopterons introduced in Monster Hunter 3. File:MH4-Bnahabra Render 001.png __TOC__
Attributes | Values |
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| - Bnahabras sind die fliegenden Insekten, die man in jedem Level finden kann, besonders in der Sandebene. Es gibt eine Jagdquest für sie: Schädlingsbekämpfung. Sie vertragen nur wenige Angriffe, bevor sie in der Regel in alle Teile zerfliegen, ohne etwas zurückzulassen. Wenn man sie aber (etwa mit Giftbomben) vergiftet, fallen sie schnell tot zu Boden und können ausgenommen werden. Von Bnahabras gibt es ein Rüstungsset.
- Bnahabra are Neopterons introduced in Monster Hunter 3. File:MH4-Bnahabra Render 001.png __TOC__
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First EN
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Korean Title
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Signature Move
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Frontier Series-None
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Weakness Sign
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Monster Size
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| - Sandebene, Flutwald, Moga-Wald, Ödnis-Insel, Vulkan, Nebelgipfel, Tundra
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General Notes
| - *Bnahabra's spit attack effect differs depending on the environment. In the Volcano, it causes -30 fire resistance. In the Tundra, it causes -30 ice resistance. In the Sandy Plains, it causes -30 Water resistance.
*Bnahabra are attracted to torches.
*Like other Neopterons, Bnahabra will usually break apart if killed, but if they die from poison they will leave a carve-able body. However, it is possible to kill them with a weapon and leave a carve-able corpse but this is very rare.
*Bnahabra can be stunned, but this happens rarely.
*Bnahabra will commonly cause damage to large monsters. It is hard to notice their small bodies on a large monster, but they commonly attack large monsters in the area. It is unknown if they can paralyze a monster.
Image px
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Monster Relations
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Monster Type
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First JPN
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Japanese Title
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Korean name
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| - Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
- Monster Hunter 4
- Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
- Monster Hunter 3
- Monster Hunter Generations
- Monster Hunter 3 G / Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
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English Name
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Threat Level
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English Title
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| - あらゆる環境に生息する “飛甲虫” 。麻痺性の毒を持ちテリトリーに入ってくる者を襲ってくる。死体に卵を産みつけ繁殖する事でも知られ、耐性を下げる特殊な体液で腐食を促進させるようだ。この飛甲虫の素材を手に入れるためには毒を用いるのがベスト。
- Pervasive flying insects that attack invaders with paralyzing venom and lay eggs in carrion along with a fluid that hastens decomposition. It is best to kill them with poison so that their parts are left ripe for the carving.
- あらゆる環境に生息する”飛甲虫”。麻痺性の針を持ちテリトリーに入ってくる者を襲ってくる。死体に卵を産みつけ繁殖する事でも知られ、耐性を下げる特殊な体液で腐食を促進させるようだ。この飛甲虫の素材を手に入れるためには毒を用いるのがベスト。''
- あらゆる環境に生息する”飛甲虫”。 麻痺性の針を持ちテリトリーに入ってくる者を襲ってくる。 死体に卵を産みつけ繁殖する事でも知られ、耐性を下げる特殊な体液で腐食を促進させるようだ。 この飛甲虫の素材を手に入れるためには毒を用いるのがベスト。
- ''Flying insects that inhabit most environments. They attack invaders with a paralyzing venom, and lay eggs in carrion together with a bodily fluid that hastens decomposition. As their bodies are easily destroyed, poison is ideal for harvesting their parts.
- Flying insects that inhabit most environments. They attack invaders with a paralyzing poison and lay eggs in carrion together with a bodily fluid that hastens decomposition. Attracted to light, they will gather around any fire.
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Japanese name
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Monster Hunter 3 Notes
| - *Players can obtain a 1* Rare Trade item by killing enough large Bnahabra in Moga Woods.
*Bnahabra can be found in every area.
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| - Bnahabras sind die fliegenden Insekten, die man in jedem Level finden kann, besonders in der Sandebene. Es gibt eine Jagdquest für sie: Schädlingsbekämpfung. Sie vertragen nur wenige Angriffe, bevor sie in der Regel in alle Teile zerfliegen, ohne etwas zurückzulassen. Wenn man sie aber (etwa mit Giftbomben) vergiftet, fallen sie schnell tot zu Boden und können ausgenommen werden. Von Bnahabras gibt es ein Rüstungsset.
- Bnahabra are Neopterons introduced in Monster Hunter 3. File:MH4-Bnahabra Render 001.png __TOC__
is Monsters
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