| - It was a dark, cloudy night. The air was windy and brisk. A thin rain had started to pour down the side of the mountain. And climbing this steep, rocky ledge was a thin, pale figure. He was dressed in a light gray coat of loosely woven wool, thin off-white leggings, and boots made of fish skin. The man wore a dome shaped cap upon his head, slightly hiding his eyes. The man placed the orb in the center of the golden circle. As he set it down, it hovered over the circle, basking it in a red light. Then, the golden plate began to rotate clockwise.
| - It was a dark, cloudy night. The air was windy and brisk. A thin rain had started to pour down the side of the mountain. And climbing this steep, rocky ledge was a thin, pale figure. He was dressed in a light gray coat of loosely woven wool, thin off-white leggings, and boots made of fish skin. The man wore a dome shaped cap upon his head, slightly hiding his eyes. He was about three-fourths way up the mountain. His leggings were torn in various places around his knees and freshly bleeding, as were his hands. One stream of blood ran down the side of his face from under his cap, accompanied by many beads of sweat. He continued to climb, but as he did so, the rain and wind picked up, threatening to throw him off the cliff side. However, he pressed on, grunting and wheezing all the way. In a matter of minutes, he reached the top, revealing the mountain to be a flat plateau. A thin sheet of snow and ice coated the rock, slowly being washed away by the rain. He limped across the surface, slipping three times, until he reached the center. In the center was a golden circle, not at all touched by the ice or rain. The man dug in his coat pocket for a few seconds before producing an object from it. The object was perfectly spherical and of a ruby red in hue. It had a certain, ominous tone to it, slightly illuminated by no obvious source. It repelled the rain from about five centimeters from it, remaining dry from the downpour. The man placed the orb in the center of the golden circle. As he set it down, it hovered over the circle, basking it in a red light. Then, the golden plate began to rotate clockwise.