| - Psycho Mantis was a psychic member of FOXHOUND, who participated in the armed takeover of Shadow Moses Island in 2005. He wore a special gas mask to help prevent people's thoughts from "forcing their way into his mind." In 1984, Mantis primarily found himself attracted to those who harbored negative feelings, thus accompanying the "Man on Fire" in his pursuit of vengeance. He would later work as a child soldier for XOF under the code name Tretij Rebenok (Russian for "Third Child"), until finally defecting from the organization after allying himself with a young Liquid Snake.
- Ancora non mi credi, pivello?
- Psycho Mantis was a member of FOXHOUND that possesses powerful psychic abilities and a villain from Metal Gear Solid. He participated in the armed takeover of Shadow Moses Island in 2005. He wore a gas mask to help prevent people's thoughts from "forcing their way into his mind."
- Psycho Mantis, también conocido con el nombre en clave Tretij Rebenok, ruso para Tercer Niño, se trata de un soldado con capacidades psíquicas de FOXHOUND. Trabajó para la división de inteligencia psíquica de la KGB durante los años 80, antes de unirse a FOXHOUND. Posee grandes habilidades psicoquinéticas y es capaz de leer las mentes humanas.
- Psycho Mantis (Saiko Mantisu ,* 1972; † Ende Februar 2005) war Mitglied von FOXHOUND und ehemaliges Mitglied der Parapsychologie-Abteilung des sowjetischen Geheimdiensts KGB Link zur Wikipedia. Er bezeichnete sich selbst als den „mächtigsten Anwender der Psychokinese und Telepathie auf der Welt“. Mantis war fähig die Gedanken anderer Menschen zu lesen und konnte sich durch optische Tarnung, ähnlich der Stealth-Technologie selbst nahezu unsichtbar machen. Er war zudem für die Gehirnwäsche der Genomsoldaten auf Shadow Moses Island verantwortlich.
- Psycho Mantis is a member of FOXHOUND that possesses powerful psychic abilities and a antagonist in Metal Gear Solid and the secondary antagonist in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
- Psycho Mantis has vast mental powers granting him powerful telekinesis. With a thought, he can levitate objects, move them at impressive speeds, and throw them at an enemy. This also enables him to create telekinetic barriers and mental projections, enabling him to strike with an unseen and deadly precision. He is also armed with several knives as well as a gas mask and optic camouflage, rendering him invisible to the untrained human eye. As a master of stealth and altering human perception, he is an extremely capable assassin even without the aid of technology.
- Hmm! I see you are reading this article, am I right? Know this - I know and feel your every thought, for I am Psycho Mantis! This is no trick. IT'S TRUE POWER. You don't believe me? Very well. I can see the title of the magazine next to you, you filthy person--and I can see those thoughts of yours... about your own mother, too. Disgusting. You are a human parasite, overwhelmed by your instinctual desire to spread one's seed. You also have not saved often. You are very careless. Would you like to walk the long hard road again, if you die? I thought not. I shall now demonstrate my power!!
- Psycho Mantis foi um membro psíquico de FOXHOUND, que participou da tomada armada da ilha Shadow Moses em 2005. Ele usava uma máscara de gás especial para ajudar a impedir que os pensamentos das pessoas "forçassem seu caminho em sua mente".