| - The user can become or use the skills and abilities of a jiang shi (lit. "stiff corpse"; geung-si in Cantonese, cương thi in Vietnamese, gangshi in Korean, kyonshī in Japanese), also known as a Chinese "hopping" vampire, a type of undead in Chinese legends and folklore. Most jiang shi are created when a person's soul fails to leave the body, usually due to an improper death, an act of suicide, simple desire for trouble or via Necromancy.
| - The user can become or use the skills and abilities of a jiang shi (lit. "stiff corpse"; geung-si in Cantonese, cương thi in Vietnamese, gangshi in Korean, kyonshī in Japanese), also known as a Chinese "hopping" vampire, a type of undead in Chinese legends and folklore. Most jiang shi are created when a person's soul fails to leave the body, usually due to an improper death, an act of suicide, simple desire for trouble or via Necromancy. Their appearance ranges from unremarkable (as a recently deceased person) to horrifying (rotting flesh, rigor mortis, as corpses that have been in a state of decay over a period of time). Jiang shi absorbs life energy, but because of modern Western influence, some do now drain blood instead. They have pale, sometimes greenish-white, skin, long clawlike fingernails, and a long prehensile tongue. They are usually dressed in Qing Dynasty robes. In some versions, they detect potential victims by their breath and holding one's breath will temporarily hide from one; some stories report that if you suck the unexpelled last breath out, the corpse will fall inanimate.