| - ... It seems, the attacks of the fishmen have finally ceased. The blood toll has only to be high enough, so that even those primitives notice that they are no match for the power of the Yalahari. Enlightenment due to pain and suffering. I feel a bit sad that I have not learnt about these aspects earlier. Perhaps I could have convinced the circle to change their approach to spread enlightenment. There is so much I could have taught the world!
... As the book of Dgjuna teaches us, I have put my new insights into good use. I use the war golems and some fishmen we have captured from the caves to improve our experiments. The idea is as simple as brilliant. The newly bred creatures are pitted against the fishmen or the war golems. If they fail, they are killed and fed to the other experiments. If they show at least some success, we try to improve them further. I will outsmart IT! My weapon will break IT's grasp on this world. I will send IT tumbling back into the abyss it came from. I will teach IT fear. Yet - am I truly safe? What if there are other conspirators around? The scholars could be some of them. They ask curious questions about the death of Traks. IT is probably whispering to them. IT tries to use them against me.
... The scholars behave more and more suspicious. Sometimes I see them watching me. I know they talk about me. Of course I could be wrong. But why take the risk? They will die anyway as we all will. Why not getting rid of them? The project - it is more important than them. Their need is expended. I will take care that nothing stops me from rescuing the world.
... Faltugios is alive!!! He sneaked into my room while I was sleeping and whispered something into my ears. I can't recall what. When I switched on the light, he was gone. Perhaps IT has saved him and granted him ghostly powers. Or was it his ghost? Has IT turned him into a ghost? I am so shaken, so tired. I don't understand. We have some apparatus that should prove effective against ghosts. Tomorrow, I will set some of them up.
... The others are eyeing me suspiciously. I know I look tired and act nervously but perhaps they know what I have done. Perhaps the ghost of Faltugios talked to them. Or he is truly alive. I have activated some ghost traps but with no success. Still, I am sure I can see him sometimes just vanishing when I focus my sight on him. But regardless of these attacks on my resolve, we make some progress. We established six stable species of the creepers. Now we can begin to add the suitable traits to them as planned. Later we will breed those species together to a single new race. My creatures will become our final weapon.
... I shouldn't have done this. Or I should have left as ... I don't know. Now I'm in it and can't get out. It is up to me to finish this experiment. Yalahar is in uproar. I think the knowledge is spreading somehow, making things only worse. I have spoken to Tjule of the circle and he claimed to have no knowledge at all about my mission. What is happening here? Is it not the will of the circle what we are doing here but the work of a splinter group? Whatever! The plan is right. It is our only hope. It doesn't matter who came up with the plan. The crawler army is the only way to stop IT once and for all.