| - At present, however, Zalg's authority faces a new challenge as a result of his apparently growing dependence on the counsel of his Half-orc Consort. This relationship is considered most unusual and de- meaning among the Orcs who, adhering to the traditional goblin perspective, regard females as no more than property and certainly of no value for their opinions. Other members of the Seed of Skorg, potential rivals for rulership in Mount Gundabad, seized upon this situation as a focus for dissatisfaction and urge that something must be done to rid the throne of the influence of the half-breed woman. The dissenters' complaints and schemes are fueled not merely by their own self-interested fear of losing influence to the Consort, but also by disquieting legends of Orcish communities where the
| - At present, however, Zalg's authority faces a new challenge as a result of his apparently growing dependence on the counsel of his Half-orc Consort. This relationship is considered most unusual and de- meaning among the Orcs who, adhering to the traditional goblin perspective, regard females as no more than property and certainly of no value for their opinions. Other members of the Seed of Skorg, potential rivals for rulership in Mount Gundabad, seized upon this situation as a focus for dissatisfaction and urge that something must be done to rid the throne of the influence of the half-breed woman. The dissenters' complaints and schemes are fueled not merely by their own self-interested fear of losing influence to the Consort, but also by disquieting legends of Orcish communities where the ordinary patriarchal order has been overturned in favor of a matriarchal leadership, after the Orc females learned that they, too, could fight and think for themselves. To many of the male Orcs of Mount Gundabad, a traditional goblin society if ever there was one, the example of the Consort poses a dire threat to their very way of life. It must be squelched before other females begin to emulate the Consort's assertiveness and poise. Zalg rules from his palace in the Great Spire of Mount Gund- abad. Physically, he is a most imposing specimen of Orchood, 6'3" tall, extraordinarily well-muscled, with arms as thick as tree limbs and legs rather less bowed than the Orcish norm. Large, protruding red eyes and long yellowed fangs enhance Zalg's terrifying coun- tenance.