The series follows on the rich and powerful Cryer family in Savannah, Georgia, and working for Cryer's family is destitute maid and mother of two grown children (and grandmother of one), Hanna Young, who gains a best friend in the Lady of the house.Also seen is the Cryer's former friends (now rivals), the Harrington family and Celine Gonzalez, a former Cryer family housekeeper and one of Jim Cryer's many mistresses. The interactions of the three disparate families drives the stories.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Haves and the Have Nots
| - The series follows on the rich and powerful Cryer family in Savannah, Georgia, and working for Cryer's family is destitute maid and mother of two grown children (and grandmother of one), Hanna Young, who gains a best friend in the Lady of the house.Also seen is the Cryer's former friends (now rivals), the Harrington family and Celine Gonzalez, a former Cryer family housekeeper and one of Jim Cryer's many mistresses. The interactions of the three disparate families drives the stories.
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Executive Producer
| - Mark E. Swinton
- Ozzie Areu
- Will Areu
| - Angela Robinson
- Aaron O'Connell
- Gavin Houston
- Jaclyn Betham
- Renee Lawless
- Tyler Lepley
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| - The original title card of The Haves and the Have Nots.
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show name
| - The Haves and the Have Nots
Num episodes
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First Aired
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Theme music composer
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| - The series follows on the rich and powerful Cryer family in Savannah, Georgia, and working for Cryer's family is destitute maid and mother of two grown children (and grandmother of one), Hanna Young, who gains a best friend in the Lady of the house.Also seen is the Cryer's former friends (now rivals), the Harrington family and Celine Gonzalez, a former Cryer family housekeeper and one of Jim Cryer's many mistresses. The interactions of the three disparate families drives the stories.
is Series
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