| - The intentionally sympathetic Villain Protagonist. Was born Benjamin Barker and used to be married to Lucy, before Judge Turpin sent him to Australia on a false charge and raped his wife. When he comes back, he has gone completely insane, seeking bloody revenge on Turpin - and later, everyone in London.
* Adaptational Attractiveness: In the stage musical, he is normally played by a middle-aged actor. In the film, he's Johnny Depp.
* Anti-Hero: Type IV. Before Epiphany, where he goes completely mad.
* Anti-Villain: Type II
* Ax Crazy: Sweeney grows increasingly more unstable as the story goes on, until he is so far gone that he unknowingly kills his wife, whom he believed to be dead, and almost unknowingly kills his own daughter, just because he doesn't want any witnesses.
* Celibate Villain
* Evil Makeover / Madness Makeover
* Faux Affably Evil
* From Nobody to Nightmare
* He Who Fights Monsters: In pursuing revenge against Turpin, Sweeney becomes a frightening Serial Killer.
* Knife Nut: Sweeney's Weapon of Choice is the straight razor.
* Locked Into Strangeness: The movie version has him with a Skunk Stripe in his hair.
* Nietzsche Wannabe
* Not Distracted by the Sexy: Doesn't seem to really notice Mrs. Lovett's obvious flirting.
* Sanity Slippage
* Serial Killer: What Sweeney becomes after "Epiphany."
* Tragic Villain
* Villain Protagonist
* The Unfettered
* Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds