| - Rolento has had many origins throughout different dimensions and timelines, but a few things are consistent. There is always a calamity, a wasteland, and a long passage of years before there is Rolento, for he is a child of the New World and never the Old. This time, this now, he was born among the Deseret, anon Utah in between the lands of a Mormon commune and the heathen tribes yet out of mighty Caesar's grip. His mother was an outcast of Vault City, banished for her unauthorized fertility which threatened the state control of reproduction. His father was the outcast offspring of passion between a Mormon goodwife and a tribal hunter. A son of unwanted exiles, Rolento had no true home growing up, and whether swaddled in a papoose on his mother's back, sitting on his father's shoulders, or
| - Rolento has had many origins throughout different dimensions and timelines, but a few things are consistent. There is always a calamity, a wasteland, and a long passage of years before there is Rolento, for he is a child of the New World and never the Old. This time, this now, he was born among the Deseret, anon Utah in between the lands of a Mormon commune and the heathen tribes yet out of mighty Caesar's grip. His mother was an outcast of Vault City, banished for her unauthorized fertility which threatened the state control of reproduction. His father was the outcast offspring of passion between a Mormon goodwife and a tribal hunter. A son of unwanted exiles, Rolento had no true home growing up, and whether swaddled in a papoose on his mother's back, sitting on his father's shoulders, or finally taking his own steps, he was always on the move. His family did not neglect him, though, his father taught him all the names of the gods and the stars, how to throw a spear, smell good water from bad, to build a fire, and all the other things the worthy hunter must know. Rolento's mother carried with her wonders of her people, a Pip-Boy 2000 and a holotape of stories that taught him of heroes, villains, and lands beyond his own. The secret groves and winding canyons of the southwest were Rolento's haunts in those days, and his exploration beyond the sight of his parents led him to strange and wonderful new worlds of insight and illumination. In one deep cave, as he stood waist deep in cold spring water among blind, albino fish, glowing with mutant majesty, he found his spirit guide in the form of a Wolf that had wandered into the cave to die when atomic fire licked the earth. When he told his father of this development, the hunter was beside himself with awe to learn that his own flesh and blood had completed such a journey as a child. He bid his wife to prepare a shaman's brew using the lore of her own people, confident that Rolento could handle a greater spirit journey. Rolento the lad quaffed the potion and fell into a deep slumber. In his dreams, he saw many worlds, and many wastelands. He lived numerous, abbreviated lives and gained his first glimpse of the multiverse. When he awoke he embraced his parents and told them that he had seen the true splendor of creation, but the image was fading as dreams are wont to do upon awakening. He knew that rediscovering the secret of all would be just one of the great quests of his life.