| - General Lynch is a character in killer7. As his name suggests, he is a high-ranking officer in the US Army (the kanji in his Japanese name literally translates to 'Commodore' or 'Brigadier General'), and is also a member of the U. S. Emergency Counter-measure Defense Department. Lynch is responsible for overseeing the capture of Andrei Ulmeyda. After the Smiths talk with Ulmeyda and Gabriel Clemence, Ulmeyda is suddenly detained by a group of US soldiers wearing biohazard suits who inject an unknown substance into him, which appears to have the effect of sedating him. Lynch thanks the Smiths for 'assisting' in Ulmeyda's capture, and reveals that Ulmeyda InterCity is in fact run by the US military in order to evaluate the USA's 'safety standards' (in other words, the city is presumably used for running simulations of hazardous events considered sufficiently threatening to the safety of the country). After gruffly ordering the Smiths to forget everything they have witnessed, he is informed by a nearby soldier that a countdown is beginning; at the end of the countdown Ulmeyda and the biohazard soldiers are caught in a massive explosion, and when Ulmeyda's poisonous blood rains down from the sky, its viral toxicity causes all those caught under it (including Lynch and the remaining soldiers, but not the Smiths) to writhe in pain and fall to the ground dead. Lynch's reason for wanting to capture Ulmeyda is never explained, as is the reasoning behind the injection of a mysterious red substance into Ulmeyda's arm. It has been theorised that Lynch was ordered to detain Ulmeyda in the hopes of determining whether or not he possessed the Yakumo; it has also been suggested that Ulmeyda was deliberately injected with a virus causing Heaven Smile transformation in order to see if he would fight it off like he had previously done with the other deadly diseases he contracted. However, nothing concrete is ever stated concerning the US Army's motivations in the game. Curiously, absolutely no evidence of Lynch or the other soldiers remains after Ulmeyda's transformation and their subsequent death; the ambulances are all completely unharmed (and arranged differently than they were in the cutscene), and no corpses can be seen anywhere.