| - North American animation company Toon Makers, in the early 1990s, teamed up with Power Rangers producers Renaissance Atlantic, and pitched a series to the FOX network, to make a completely different "Americanized" version of the successful Japanese franchise Sailor Moon. Instead, Sailor Moon debuted in North America, dubbed in the English language.
| - North American animation company Toon Makers, in the early 1990s, teamed up with Power Rangers producers Renaissance Atlantic, and pitched a series to the FOX network, to make a completely different "Americanized" version of the successful Japanese franchise Sailor Moon. The project would show both the animation work of Toon Makers, and live-action productions of Renaissance Atlantic. The project was ultimately canned, and not much is spoken or known about it, except very few storyboard arts, and a very obscure two minute promotional video from a private anime expo in the late 1990s that goes more in depth and shows generally what the project would have entailed. The promotional video is infamous online, and brought exposure to the project. Many fans incorrectly call the project "Saban Moon", as the live action scenes which were shot by Renaissance Atlantic, also do some work on Power Rangers. However Saban had nothing to do with this project. Instead, Sailor Moon debuted in North America, dubbed in the English language.