| - It has Plagued, Desecrator and Poison Enchanted affixes.
- Miasma (formerly Gas) is a monster who appears in II.
- Miasma was a form of plasma weapon utilised by the Romulan Star Navy in the 23rd century. It was a wide dispersal variant of the plasma weapon used in 2266 by the ChR Gal Gath'thong against the USS Enterprise. At the turn of the 2270s decade, the miasma weapon had been mounted aboard D7-class warbirds. Three warbirds employed it against the USS Yorktown but the Federation starship was just out of range and escaped undamaged. (TOS comic: "Schism, Issue 2")
- Miasma (瘴気, Shoki) is one of the youngest members of the akusentai. Like most members of the paramilitary terrorist group, he is one of the many highly powerful experimental human test subjects born out of the EDF's illegal anti-human creation experiments, carrying the highly powerful DNA of a monster within his body, granting him supernatural powers and skills.
- While suffering from Miasma, you have -5 Health degeneration. Miasma spreads between creatures of the same kind. Concise: You have -5 Health degeneration. Miasma spreads between creatures of the same kind.
- miniatur|Das Unternehmenslogo Miasma (dt. Gifthauch, übler Geruch) ist ein Hersteller von elektronischen Messgeräten aus Grand Theft Auto V, der sich im Galileo House an der Kreuzung Meteor Street/Spanish Avenue in Hawick, Los Santos befindet. Er produziert Geräte, die unter anderem von Humane Labs and Research genutzt werden, darunter das Bona XL. Kategorie:Elektronikhersteller
- Miasma is a mage spell from the Entropy tree in Dragon Age: Origins.
- thumb|250px|Ein Raum voll MiasmaMiasma ist ein giftiges Gas, welches die Priester von Vaermina für ihre Rituale benutzen. Beim Einatmen verfällt die Person in einen tiefen Schlaf. Diese Wirkung hält an, bis kein Kontakt mit dem Gas mehr besteht. In der Quest von Vaermina wird das Gas freigesetzt, um einfallende Orks einzuschläfern. Der Spieler lässt das Gas entweichen, sodass die Orks und auch die Priester wieder erwachen.
- Miasma is the substance in which monsters are made out of in the Astrostles Galaxy and Alora Fane. It plays an important role in the lore and gameplay of MARDEK and Miasmon.
- Miasma first makes an appearance in Tales of Phantasia, in which it is referred to as the wind of Daemonium. It is a substance that affects both humans and Summon Spirits, and although humans can tolerate it to a degree, it affects the sanity of Summon Spirits. Miasma is responsible for driving the Sylph into a berserk state, resulting in the need for the game's protagonists to battle them as they climb the peak at Lone Valley.
- The miasma is unleashed by opening the Last Passage. It turns any air around it monochrome, casting everything into eternal night. If the atmosphere turns miasmatic, more dangerous ghosts will be attracted to you. The miasma can be temporarily dispelled with Purifying Light candles.
- Ability text: Miasma: Each hero within 3 spaces of Serena must test File:Willpower.png. Each hero that fails suffers 1 File:Heart.png and 1 File:Fatigue.png.
- Das Miasma ist ein übler Dunst, meist verbunden mit unangenehmen Gerüchen und Geschmacksempfindungen, die sich bei einer bevorstehenden Manifestation einstellen. Oft tritt es mit dem Kriechendem Grauen, der Maladigkeit und dem Eishauch auf, und ist damit ein typischer Begleiteffekt in der Umgebung von Geistern.
- Miasma is one of the Magatama that can be used by the Demi-fiend in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne.
- First attested in 1665. From [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Miasma]] μίασμα (miasma) "stain, pollution".
- [[Archivo:Miasma.jpg|thumb|250px|El miasma en la biblioteca del Templo de la Visita Nocturna.]] El miasma es un gas de color púrpura, producido mediante el Cráneo de corrupción y usado por los sacerdotes del príncipe daédrico Vaermina. Cualquier mortal expuesto al gas caerá en un sueño profundo, lo que ralentizará el proceso de envejecimiento. Una larga exposición al miasma puede causar daño cerebral, y algunas víctimas pueden perder la cordura por completo.
- Ein Miasma, (auch Shoki) genannt (zu Deutsch: Gifthauch, Pesthauch), ist ein extrem starkes, wie gasförmiges Gift, das unter anderem von Naraku benutzt wird. Besonders in den späteren Folgen taucht es sehr oft auf und ist schwer zu bekämpfen, darum auch sehr störend, da Inu Yashas menschliche Begleiter davon sofort sterben. Wenn Miroku es in sein Kazaana saugt wird er außerdem schwer vergiftet, er wäre fast gestorben, Kikyo kann ihn aber halbwegs wieder heilen. Naraku selbst und seine Abkömmlinge werden jedoch nicht vergiftet, denn sowohl Naraku als auch Byakuya verstecken sich im Miasma.
- {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A |rowspan=4|MiasmaNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} |} |}
- Nate Lawrence, codename Miasma, is an avatar and member of the Underdogs. He lives in Twain Cottage. He's in the class of 2010. He has some unspecified sort of spirit that gave him super-flatulence. His farts have actually wilted a plastic plant and burned a hole into a couch. He has a preference for gas-producing food, like chili, beans and soda, which only exacerbates the problem, to the point that sometimes even his friends will keep him away. He also likes to "prank" much more powerful students by deliberately farting near them, making a frequent target of bullies. In February 2007, he pranked Venus Inc, meeting, destroying eight rolls of film. It isn't known if this behavior is because of himself or his spirit. On the other hand, his noxious emissions afford him some level of protecti
- Miasma is the second album by American melodic death metal band The Black Dahlia Murder. Released through Metal Blade Records on July 12, 2005, Miasma is the only album to feature drummer Zach Gibson, who replaced founding member and drummer, Cory Grady, due to personal issues. Gibson also left the band the following year after the release of the album and was replaced by Shannon Lucas, formerly of All That Remains.