| - Guinea Pig is a country south of Tibecuador. It is neither Guinean or Capitalist Pigdog
- The Guinea pig (Cavia Porcellus) Is an animal apart of the rodentia order native to South America. They are extremely close relatives to Capybaras. Over time, they have been taken out of their forest homes and kept as pets. They also are a food source.
- Guinea Pigs are the miniature form of bears and they are filthy hippies.
- Guinea pigs were small Earth mammals often used by humans for scientific experiments. Because of this, the term "guinea pig" also came to mean any test subject and not specifically an actual member of the species. (DS9 novel: Warchild, VOY episodes: "Faces", "Macrocosm", "Demon")
- Due to the use of Guinea Pigs for animal testing, any human being used to test something may informally be termed a guinea pig or human guinea pig.
- The Guinea Pig is an animal in FarmVille.
- -- Journal Entry,03 September,1951 -- James Grayson
- Guinea Pig (ギニーピッグ Za ginipiggu) is a series of six controversial Japanese gore videos released between 1985 and 1990.
- Ok these things know Nightmare so make sure you get rid of them quickly! Since they are dark use special skills that are light based to weaken them or KO them. They also have high attack and verusing 3 of these things as well can be agitating so might as well use special skills that target all enemies.
- The Webkinz Guinea Pig was released in April 2009. It does not have a Lil'Kinz version and hasn't been Pet of the Month. It was retired in June 2014. Its special food is the Petite Pellet Palette and its special item is the Hidey House Lounger.
- Guinea pigs are clever, wise, and powerful. Unlike mice, which are born blind and stupid, guinea pigs are born fully furred and able to see, with all the wisdom of their ancestors. So great is their wisdom that their hind legs must point outward just so it will all fit. This alone should scare you. Their ability to detect food and force humans to submit to their will is unmatched. Those who attempt to resist will probably lose their hearing. Those who do not resist will find themselves enslaved, but since guinea pigs are soft and chubby and emit squeaks of approval when petted, it could be worse. Guinea pigs will sometimes discipline their humans slaves by biting or peeing on their clothes, but you'd have to be a pretty foolish human to let that happen.
- The guinea pig (called cuy, cuye, curí) was originally domesticated for its meat in the Andes. Traditionally, the animal was usually reserved for ceremonial meals by indigenous people in the Andean highlands, but since the 1960s it has become more socially acceptable for consumption by all people. It continues to be a major part of the diet in Peru and Bolivia, particularly in the Andes Mountains highlands; it is also eaten in some areas of Ecuador (mainly in the Sierra) and Colombia. Because guinea pigs require much less room than traditional livestock and reproduce extremely quickly, they are a more profitable source of food and income than many traditional stock animals, such as pigs and cows; moreover, they can be raised in an urban environment. Both rural and urban families raise guin
- Guinea Pig (pol. Królik doświadczalny, jap. Za ginnipigu) – japońska seria sześciu filmów zaliczane do rodzaju gore. W zamierzeniu twórców film miał nieść za sobą przesłanie, lecz tak naprawdę zależało im na jak największym zszokowaniu odbiorcy i powodowaniu u niego odruchów wymiotnych. Przyczynia się do tego nagroda na najbrutalniejszy film – Golden Gore Awards, której istnienia nikt nie zdołał potwierdzić.
- In the paralance of medical research, a guinea pig is a research subject, particularly a human one. Strangely enough, real guinea pigs are rarely used in medical research. House is fond of experimenting on human beings. He often uses coma patients to test his theories. However, he is not above using himself as a research subject. He went both ways in Distractions. Cuddy is often afraid that House is treating his patients as experimental subjects. There is some truth in this, and there have been several episodes where House has used an untested and revolutionary technique on a patient.
- Guinea pigs were small Earth mammals often used by humans for scientific experimentation and as pets. Because of the former, the term "guinea pig" also came to mean any test subject and not specifically an actual member of the species. (TV: The Ark, The Happiness Patrol, The Crimson Horror) He's doing experiments. That's why we're here. He needs guinea pigs. Guinea pigs like you and me.Harold V
- The guinea pig was a small pet animal native to Earth. It was frequently used as a test subject in scientific research, and the term was frequently used to refer to persons similarly subjected to an experiment. In 2152, when Porthos was treated in sickbay, Jonathan Archer complained to Phlox that he was treating Porthos more like a guinea pig than a valuable companion. (ENT: "A Night in Sickbay") In 2371, the full-Klingon B'Elanna Torres told Sulan that Klingons found honor as warriors on the battlefield, not as guinea pigs in a laboratory. (VOY: "Faces")