| - It seems to becomes available shortly after the player controls five or more villages (requires confirmation). In this challenge, a worried mother has the player search for her missing children, who went out for swimming and didn't came back.
- The Sea was the Pebbled Sea's spirit, who spoke in a female voice. Evumeimei Dingzai encountered it while trying to get the magma spirits away from Starns and to an underwater volcano. The Sea proved to be disturbing to Evvy because it was always taunting her. Evvy didn't like her very much and was glad when she was back at firm ground where the Sea's voice couldn't reach her anymore.
- The Sea by John Banville was the winner of the Man Booker Prize in 2005.
- The Sea is a body of salt water that borders with English coastline. The Hut-on-the-Rock is located on a small island found on it.
- The sea is probably the hugest place on earth. But there are relatively few tourists there, because of the constant wetness and temperature. Though, one of the smartest creatures on earth lives here; the dolphins. Only slighted by white mice, these creatures are so incredibly smart that they eat fish all day and still don't get stomachache.
- The Sea (Mother Sea) is the huge, salty body of water west of the Forest. Most of the rivers from the Forest also flow into the Sea. In the southwest of the Sea lie the Seal Islands, where the three Sea Clans live. In the Far North, the coastal waters have a thick layer of ice on it, and icebergs which travel the open waters. It is known by wolves to be the 'big wet'.
- There was also the North Sea, a smaller stretch of water in the north west of Alagaësia. It is not known whether this connects to the sea in the west. This is the body of water that Ceunon was built upon. It was also the first sea that Horst had ever set his eyes upon.
- Water leisure activities: body surfing, fishing, jet skiing, sailing, scuba diving, snorkelling, sunbathing, surfing, swimming, water skiing, windsurfing Adjectives: angery,beautiful, calm, cold, colourful, exciting, fast, free, freezing, frightening, great, relaxing, silent, strange, wet Nouns related to sailing: cloud, float, fishing boat, fisherman, force 10 ( storm), horizon, mast, round the world race, sails, storm, wave, whirlpool, wind, yachtsman/woman Movement/ action verbs: dive into( water), fall off, go round/ down, move towards,throw, sink Asking: What places do you suggest visiting ?
- The Sea is an extremely large biome surrounding Middle-Earth and is, as the name suggests, an ocean. This biome represents Belegaer, the Sundering Seas, the great western ocean of Arda. It surrounds all of Middle Earth, and is infinite. It is mostly entirely made of water, and only squid spawn there, but there are islands that may contain mobs in the future. These islands are barren, with the exception of small Númenórean ruins scattered around. The colour of the water in the ocean will change depending on the player's latitude. Ice will also start forming as the player travels far north.
| - It seems to becomes available shortly after the player controls five or more villages (requires confirmation). In this challenge, a worried mother has the player search for her missing children, who went out for swimming and didn't came back.
- The Sea was the Pebbled Sea's spirit, who spoke in a female voice. Evumeimei Dingzai encountered it while trying to get the magma spirits away from Starns and to an underwater volcano. The Sea proved to be disturbing to Evvy because it was always taunting her. Evvy didn't like her very much and was glad when she was back at firm ground where the Sea's voice couldn't reach her anymore.
- The Sea by John Banville was the winner of the Man Booker Prize in 2005.
- The Sea is a body of salt water that borders with English coastline. The Hut-on-the-Rock is located on a small island found on it.
- Water leisure activities: body surfing, fishing, jet skiing, sailing, scuba diving, snorkelling, sunbathing, surfing, swimming, water skiing, windsurfing Adjectives: angery,beautiful, calm, cold, colourful, exciting, fast, free, freezing, frightening, great, relaxing, silent, strange, wet Nouns related to sailing: cloud, float, fishing boat, fisherman, force 10 ( storm), horizon, mast, round the world race, sails, storm, wave, whirlpool, wind, yachtsman/woman Words that go together: be on your own, be the centre of attention, be scared of ( something happening), come in second ( in a race), come close to death, enjoy success, to get closer Movement/ action verbs: dive into( water), fall off, go round/ down, move towards,throw, sink Emigration: avoid taxes, join family, esacpe from famine/ political problems/ unemployemnt/ war, because of natural disasters: drought, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes Making suggestions: What about / How about going to the cinema? / Why don't you stay there a month. / If I were you, I'd stay with my family./ You must go to Paris./ You could rent a car./ You can go in January. Asking: What places do you suggest visiting ? Reacting: I'd love to do that, That's a good idea but ..., I'm not very keen on that, that sounds great, that´d be fantastic ! Phrasal Verbs: come back from ( a place), get out of ( doing something)/ get away from( danger)/ pick up a ( person) go back to ( a place) / send someone back ( where they came from)
- The sea is probably the hugest place on earth. But there are relatively few tourists there, because of the constant wetness and temperature. Though, one of the smartest creatures on earth lives here; the dolphins. Only slighted by white mice, these creatures are so incredibly smart that they eat fish all day and still don't get stomachache.
- The Sea (Mother Sea) is the huge, salty body of water west of the Forest. Most of the rivers from the Forest also flow into the Sea. In the southwest of the Sea lie the Seal Islands, where the three Sea Clans live. In the Far North, the coastal waters have a thick layer of ice on it, and icebergs which travel the open waters. It is known by wolves to be the 'big wet'.
- There was also the North Sea, a smaller stretch of water in the north west of Alagaësia. It is not known whether this connects to the sea in the west. This is the body of water that Ceunon was built upon. It was also the first sea that Horst had ever set his eyes upon.
- The Sea is an extremely large biome surrounding Middle-Earth and is, as the name suggests, an ocean. This biome represents Belegaer, the Sundering Seas, the great western ocean of Arda. It surrounds all of Middle Earth, and is infinite. It is mostly entirely made of water, and only squid spawn there, but there are islands that may contain mobs in the future. These islands are barren, with the exception of small Númenórean ruins scattered around. The colour of the water in the ocean will change depending on the player's latitude. Ice will also start forming as the player travels far north. Upon reaching this vast body of water the player gains the achievement "To the Sea!" and the title of Mariner.