好鸡寥寥(英语:A Few Good Hens)是一本由约翰·克雷格所著的虚构书籍。在《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》中玩家可以在许多安全屋内部的床上看到该书,and in many houses in the Burglar aspect of the game.有一部电影基于该书改编而成,which can be seen at a movie theater in Angel Pine. However, since the theater is inaccessible, the film cannot be viewed. 该书极有可能是对电影《好人寥寥》的戏仿。
好鸡寥寥(英语:A Few Good Hens)是一本由约翰·克雷格所著的虚构书籍。在《侠盗猎车手:圣安地列斯》中玩家可以在许多安全屋内部的床上看到该书,and in many houses in the Burglar aspect of the game.有一部电影基于该书改编而成,which can be seen at a movie theater in Angel Pine. However, since the theater is inaccessible, the film cannot be viewed. 该书极有可能是对电影《好人寥寥》的戏仿。