| - Forgotten Colonists was a book written by author Michael West in 2581. The book was an overview of the evidence both for and against the so-called 'rebel holdouts' conspiracy theory that had come about in the late 2560's and 2570's. The theory claimed that while all rebel-controlled planets had been recaptured, asteroid bases such as Eridanus Secundus had not been destroyed or accounted for in any way. The idea came about after several UNSC Department of Commercial Shipping freighters had heard and recorded radio traffic between what appeared to be an Insurrectionist freighter and traffic control at some sort of base. West was acclaimed for the research he had done on the evidence both for and against the theory, including review of the radio tapes, interviews with the crew of the DCS freighter that had picked up the traffic, records from or about all rebel organizations that could have had the capability to either create or resupply asteroid bases, and even Covenant engagement records. West also reviewed evidence against the theory, including a testimony from a former ONI Section Two communications expert who had appeared to prove that the recordings from the freighters were faked. While West mainly left the reader as to decide whether or not the theory was true based off of the evidence he had accumulated, in the book's epilogue chapter, he claimed there was at least one holdout group aboard the URF Gateway, which, while it had allegedly been lost with all hands in 2513, had reappeared several times again, before inexplicably disappearing in 2522, but with no Covenant records of having destroyed a ship of its class that was not part of the UNSC Navy.