| - thumb|Perfil actual de Greg Bear Greg Bear es un novelista americano de ciencia ficción. Es conocido por ser acreedor al Premio Nebula en 1994 por Marte se Mueve, en el 2000 por La Radio de Darwin, mientras que 1984 fue ganador de los premios Nebula y Hugo por su obra Música en la Sangre. Actualmente vive en Washington, donde se dedica profesionalmente a la escritura.
- Among his well-known titles are Blood Music, Darwin's Radio and Darwin's Children, and The Forge of God. He has also written a book set in the Star Wars universe, Rogue Planet, and one in Isaac Asimov's Foundation universe, Foundation and Chaos. Bear has a reputation as a "hard" science fiction author, along with David Brin and Gregory Benford. The three of them are affectionatley known as the Killer B's. Bear is married to Astrid Anderson Bear, the daughter of science fiction author Poul Anderson.
- Kategorie:Überarbeitung nötig thumb|155px|rightGreg Bear (* 20. August 1951 in San Diego, Kalifornien) ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Autor. Er ist der Schwiegersohn von Poul Anderson.
- [Source] Greg Bear est un auteur américain ayant écrit le roman Planète rebelle.
- Gregory Dale Bear (born August 20, 1951) is an American science fiction and mainstream author. His work has covered themes of galactic conflict (Forge of God books), artificial universes (Eon series), consciousness and cultural practices (Queen of Angels), and accelerated evolution (Blood Music, Darwin's Radio, and Darwin's Children). Bear, Gregory Benford, and David Brin also wrote a trilogy of prequel novels to Isaac Asimov's famous Foundation trilogy with Bear credited for the middle book in the trilogy.
- Greg Bear (* [Jahr unbekannt]in San Diego, Kalifornien, USA Jahre alt)Kategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehltKategorie:Artikel mit Vorlage:Personendaten, denen Geburtstagsanzeige fehlt ist ein US-amerikanischer Science Fiction-Autor. Er schrieb den Star Trek-Roman "Corona" (1984) und steuerte auch Fan Art für das Sachbuch "Star Trek Concordance" von Bjo Trimble bei.
- Bear was born in San Diego, California. From 1968 to 1973 he attended San Diego State University, from which he received a Bachelor of Arts degree. In 1975, he married Christina M. Nielson, but they divorced in 1981. He remarried in 1983, to Astrid Anderson, the daughter of science fiction author Poul Anderson. They have two children, Erik and Alexandra. Erik is currently a Painting and Drawing major at the University of Washington. They live outside of Seattle, Washington.
- Gregory Dale Bear (born August 20, 1951) is an American science fiction and mainstream author of the novel Rogue Planet. His work has covered themes of galactic conflict (Forge of God books), artificial universes (Eon series), consciousness and cultural practices, and accelerated evolution (Blood Music, Darwin's Radio, and Darwin's Children).
- Gregory Dale Bear (20 agosto 1951) è un autore americano di fantascienza e mainstream. I suoi lavori hanno coperto svariati temi, tra cui conflitti galattici, universi artificiali ed evoluzione accelerata.