| - By 2005, decades of social fragmentation and economic apathy had left France in crisis. Its main industries, consisting of frog's legs, berets, and complaining, were unpopular throughout the global economy, and beneath the veneer of apathy the French people struggled with anger, paranoia, and constipation.
| - By 2005, decades of social fragmentation and economic apathy had left France in crisis. Its main industries, consisting of frog's legs, berets, and complaining, were unpopular throughout the global economy, and beneath the veneer of apathy the French people struggled with anger, paranoia, and constipation. It was in this cauldron of turmoil that disaffected Islamic youths enacted their campaign to be accepted as part of French culture. Following the George W. Bush doctrine of inventing new enemies in times of difficulty, they focused their rage on cars, which are notoriously crappy in France, and made for an easier target in addition to not fighting back. Under the battle cry "L'auto Francais est un infidel!" they began burning French cars on October 27th, while simultaneously chanting "Death to America" purely out of habit.