| - Cannabis, or more commonly marijuana, is the bud matter of the plant cannabis sativa that is generally used for its psychoactive effect. However, many medical professionals use marijuana for patients suffering from nausea and other ailments, as it often has fewer side effects than other drugs used for the same purpose, and is often easier to use than pills for those who suffer from severe nausea. It also has little negative health effects, compared to most pharmaceutical alternatives. This article is a , please help House Wikia by expanding it.
- Marijuana, also known as cannabis, among many other names, refers to any number of preparations of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes. The word marijuana comes from the Spanish word, marihuana.
- From Mexican [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marijuana]] marihuana < mariguan. First attested from 1894 of uncertain origin; possibly from [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Marijuana]] [[mallihuan#|mallihuan]], "prisoner". Alteration by influence of the proper name Maria Juana (“‘Mary Jane’”) is believed to be folk etymology.
- On occasion, marijuana is smoked or consumed by members of the Bluth family, most notably burnout Oscar Bluth.
- Marijuana is a cut item from Fallout 2.
- Marijuana is a level 5 trade good.
- Marijuana is a plant that Delko was found to be in possession of. The marijuana was, in fact, for Delko's sister Marisol Delko, Horatio Caine's wife, to help her through the pain of her leukaemia treatments.
- Marijuana — an illegal drug generally smoked recreationally for its psychoactive effects — was smoked by several people during Day 1, Day 3, and Day 4.
- Marijuana är en drog från planeten Jorden. Efter Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay fått i sig Wraith enzym. Då berättade att han rökte marijuana på college en gång och att de kliade lika mycket som då när han var påverkad av enzymet. (ATL: "The Lost Boys")kategori:Medicin
- Marijuana is a drug that can be really pain-relieving in medicine or killer when you smoke it. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- See Pot This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- An amazing product that brought many of the group together.
- La marijuana est composée à partir des feuilles supérieures, parfois des tiges, des fleurs et des graines du chanvre (ou cannabis) qui sont séchées puis finement hachées. Elles sont ensuite fumées telles quelles ou mélangées à du tabac. La communauté dirigée par Jan et Mike et dont Locke a fait partie produisait de la marijuana. (Embuscade) Wikipedia a des informations sur : Chanvre Catégorie:Flashbacks de Locke
- Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana and by numerous other names is a preparation of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicine. Dr. Rodney McKay once partook in the substance while in college and had an adverse reaction. (SGA: "The Lost Boys", "Phantoms")
- Marijuana was a type of drug that was made from a certain type of Earth plant. It was green in color, and usually the drug was rolled up into a joint or blunt, it is then lit, and then smoked, in the same manner that tobacco is smoked. When Oliver Queen was on Starfish Island, he used a drug that appeared to be marijuana, although he himself was uncertain what it was, yet he did wonder. He rolled it up into a blunt and then smoked it, hoping it would calm his nerves. He described the drug as "potent."
- In different nations, marijuana is either a legal form of medicine or an outlawed narcotic. The Netherlands has traditionally been one of the most drug-tolerant nations. After the drug was outlawed in the United States in 1937 - a fact which did not prevent a profitable underground market for it through the rest of the 20th century - certain states made marijuana legal in the early 21st century.
- Marijuana is found in nature as a plant with multiple thin leaves, and can either be found in uncivilized lands or in the private gardens of some individuals. The plant itself is highly toxic, and if ingested directly, can cause a victim to fall into a comatose state, or worse, become a Philosophical Zombie. Even passing within a certain distance of the plant has been known to cause mild hallucinations. When harvested, the leaves are generally removed from the stems (although some exceptions are known) and ground up to enable easier transportation. When it reaches the recipient user, they roll it in specially treated paper to form a spindle shape. They then light the end with whatever means available, although most users prefer a flame discolored with other chemicals to enhance the effect.
- Marijuana, also known as cannabis or its street names pot, dope, reefer, and weed, is a plant that is used as a smoking herb or ingested in food preparations. It induces mild euphoria followed by a sense of general relaxation and well-being, although it can also temporarily impair a user's motor coordination. One of its known side effects is that it can cause its users to have a sense of paranoia. It is considered an illegal substance in most countries and is strictly prohibited for uses outside of medicine in areas that have allowed for limited and regulated legalization.
- Marijuana a.k.a. Cannabis a.k.a. Ganja is a plant and drug used for medicinal and recreational purposes. Humans have been consuming marijuana since before recorded history. In Book Four of his Histories, Herodotus notes that the Scythians enjoyed breathing in the vapors from hemp-seed thrown on red hot coals. He states that "the Scyths, delighted, shout for joy." Indeed. By the second decade of the 21st century, a majority of Americans had concluded that marijuana should be legalized.
- Marijuana was first discovered approximately twelve thousand years prior to the Battle of Yavin by an ancestor of Dearth Nadir. Considered an "illicit smoking vegetable" by the Galactic Republic, it was still outlawed throughout known space after the rise of the New Order. The planet Alderaan, known for its 8,000 distinct species of grass which grew on that world's large, verdant plains, was rumored to have been targeted by the Death Star, in order to halt the illegal trade in marijuana. It was, supposedly, this green mercantilism which helped to finance the fledgling Rebel Alliance.
- marijuana /mar-a-WAN-a/ (n.) First appeared: Boys bathroom in Junior High School; Invented by Cheech & Chong 1.
* A weed that grows everywhere in the world, primarily in hippies and surfers back yards. 2.
* A psychotropic that is either smoked, or hidden in brownies you secretly give your mom. 3.
* One of those things the American Medical Association and pharmacutical companies don't want you to know about. 4.
* A medicinal herb that makes you happy. 5.
* Satan's way of making your kids play X-box 360 all day instead of cleaning their room. 6.
* National plant of Jamaica 7.
* State plant of California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii. 8.
* Preferred drug of Hippies, Surfers, Beatniks, Democrats and Libertarians. 9.
* Something Stephen Colbert won't