| - Palmon sind Pflanzendigimon, auf deren Kopf eine tropische Blume wächst. Wenn die Sonne scheint, betreiben sie Fotosynthese und entziehen dem Boden mit ihren Wurzeln Mineralien. Mit diesen Wurzeln können sie aber auch laufen. Wenn sie gute Laune haben, verströmen sie ein angenehmes Aroma, werden sie jedoch angegriffen, verbreiten sie einen so übelriechenden Geruch, dass sogar größere und stärkere Digimon flüchten.
- thumb Palmons Digitationen: Yuramon - Tanemon - Palmon - Togemon - Lillymon - Rosemon
- Palmon is a plant-like creature which has light green skin with purple-tipped claws. She has a pink flower with a yellow center on her head. She has a small tail and small bumps lining her back.
- Palmon is a plant like Digimon that is also a rookie, and data type. Being a plant like Digimon it is a plant attribute Digimon. Palmon's name is derived from palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) and whose design is derived from the mythological Mandrake. It's a green plant with a tropical flower growing from the top of its head, and it has purple fingers for its devastating "poison ivy" move. Despite having root like feet, it can walk around freely. One Palmon is Amy's partner is the 3 seasons of Digimon Adventure.
- Palmon is a Vegetation Digimon whose name is derived from the palm tree (Phoenix dactylifera) and whose design is derived from the mythological Mandrake. It has a tropical flower blooming on its head. Although it digivolved like a reptile from Tanemon, it is an unusual Type which is classified as Vegetation based on its outward appearances and special qualities, similar to its rival Floramon. As a Vegetation Digimon, it gets along with FanBeemon. During the day it opens up the flower and spreads its leaf-like arms to perform photosynthesis. It usually buries its root-like feet under the ground, and although it is absorbing nutrients, it is also able to walk. As for the flower on its head, when it is joyful or happy it will waft about a sweet fragrance, but when it is angered or senses dang