| - Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet accidentely ran into a secret government time machine, as he says it. Thanks to that, Chris had a brilliant idea. He used it to go back into 65,000,000 BC. He also had an idea of selecting twenty-two young dinos to compete. The last dinosaur standing will win The Stone of Cold Fire, which grants a single dino's two wishes, while in season two it appears to be some sort of cash. Whenever a challenge is finished, the losing team has to vote someone off to walk the Tunnel of Shame. This was the time machine in season two. Like marshmellows, Gilded Chrises, and barf bags with airline issued peanuts, Chris throws out grapes(sweet bubbles in dinosaur talk) to the dinos of the losing team that are safe except one. In season 2, they were shaped like Chris, making them
| - Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet accidentely ran into a secret government time machine, as he says it. Thanks to that, Chris had a brilliant idea. He used it to go back into 65,000,000 BC. He also had an idea of selecting twenty-two young dinos to compete. The last dinosaur standing will win The Stone of Cold Fire, which grants a single dino's two wishes, while in season two it appears to be some sort of cash. Whenever a challenge is finished, the losing team has to vote someone off to walk the Tunnel of Shame. This was the time machine in season two. Like marshmellows, Gilded Chrises, and barf bags with airline issued peanuts, Chris throws out grapes(sweet bubbles in dinosaur talk) to the dinos of the losing team that are safe except one. In season 2, they were shaped like Chris, making them counterparts of the Gilded Chris. The Confession Cam also returns. Some previous campers from Total Drama Island and other Land Before Time dinosaurs will make guest appearances. Those would be Noah, Topsy(known as Mr. Threehorn), Dil, Doc, Tyler, Doc, Red Claw, Duncan, Bridgette, Cody, Old One, Bron, Izzy, Tria, Gwen, and other various dinosaurs, interns, and crew members. There are mentionings of Harold(who was originally going to guest star but Duncan pushed him out of the way), Heather, Lindsay, Trent, and Tippy's mother. Note that Harold, Heather, and Lindsay were seen in interviews about their opinion on Total Drama Valley. In the nineteenth episode, we will see where the losers are hanging out and that some of the previous campers share their thoughts about TDV. We also learn that Red Claw is Chomper's uncle, Petrie gets a big crush on Tera, Icky disguised himself as Itchy so he can get away from Dil, Littlefoot and Ali express their true feelings, and so much more. Nod even says he never liked bullying. Chomper won the first season and the winner of the second season has yet to be revealed. Ever since December 28, TDV has been on hiatus, until March 31. Red Claw and Dil host an aftermath show similar to what Geoff and Bridgette do. Link to the author's story(starts with the prolouge): The Competitors Are:
* Ali the Longneck/Apatosaurus(Runner-Up) (FF) (6th Eliminated At Season 2 in Spiral The DragRace) (GG) (Similarity to Gwen)
* Cera the Threehorn/Triceratops(20th Eliminated In I Triple Dino Dare You) (12th Eliminated in Dance Your Tail Off) (FF) (GG) (Similarity to Heather)
* Chomper the Sharptooth/T-Rex(Winner) (8th Eliminated At Season 2 in Dino Fight) (FF) (GG) (Similarity to Owen)
* Ducky the Swimmer/Parasaurolophus(14th Eliminated In It's All Downhill From Here) (FF) (5th Eliminated At Season 2 in Mansion of Misery) (GG) (Similarity to Lindsay)
* Guido the Glider/Microraptor(11th Eliminated in On A Wing And A Scare) (SS) (3rd Eliminated At Season 2 in A Key Secret) (GB) (Similarity to Harold)
* Hyp the Bigmouth/Hypsilophodon(1st Eliminated in Rock Of Ages) (FF/Originally SS) (Similarity to Eva)
* Icky the Sharpbeak/Ichthyornis(6th Eliminated in Big Trouble On Big Waters) (SS/Originally FF) (Similarity to Izzy)
* Littlefoot the Longneck/Apatosaurus(12th Eliminated in Cook, Lie, And Sinker) (11th Eliminated in All Flipped Out) (FF) (GB) (Similiarity to Trent)
* Mo the Swimmer/Ophthalmosaurus(3rd Eliminated in Volley Battle) (SS) (Similarity to Noah)
* Mutt the Bigmouth/Muttaburrasaurus(2nd Eliminated in UnaMazeIng Developments) (SS) (Similarity to Ezekiel)
* Myra the Fast Biter/Velociraptor(7th Eliminated in Game Over, Dude) (FF) (GB) (Created By Brekclub85) (Similarity to Beth)
* Nod the Nodosaurus(8th Eliminated in The Disaster-Filled Egg Adventure) (FF) (Similarity to Cody)
* Petrie the Flyer/Pteranodon(15th Eliminated in Fear Facers) (SS/Originally FF) (GG) (Similarity to DJ)
* Rhett the Longneck/Apatosaurus(9th Eliminated in Water We Waiting For) (SS) (9th Eliminated At Season 2 in The Iron Dino Challenge, Returned In All Flipped Out, Re-eliminated in Sky Scrapper) (GB) (Similarity to Cody)
* Rita the Sharptooth/T-Rex(16th Eliminated In The Hunted Hath Become The Hunter) (FF) (4th Eliminated At Season 2 in Water Water Everywhere) (GG) (Created By Brekclub85) (Similarity to Izzy)
* Rory the Fast Biter/Velociraptor(17th Eliminated In Triple Threat) (SS) (1st and 2nd Eliminated At Season 2 in Sumo For Your Money) (Created By Brekclub85) (Similarity to Geoff)
* Ruby the Fast Runner/Oviraptor(13th Eliminated in Digestion Dual) (SS) (GB) (Similarity to Bridgette)
* Shorty the Longneck/Brachiosaurus(19th Eliminated in Rock N' Rolldown) (SS) (10th Eliminated At Season 2 in They Came, They Saw, They Lost) (GB) (Similarity to Duncan)
* Spike the Spiketail/Stegosaurus(4th Eliminated in Music Won't Soothe These Savage Beasts) (FF/Originally SS) (GB) (Similarity to Justin)
* Tera the Flyer/Pteranodon(10th Eliminated in Obstacle Discourse) (SS) (Created By Brekclub85) (Similarity to Courtney)
* Tippy the Spiketail/Stegosaurus(18th Eliminated in Losing The Winner's Edge) (FF)(1st and 2nd Eliminated At Season 2 in Sumo For Your Money) (Similarity to Leshawna)
* Tricia the Threehorn/Triceratops(5th Eliminated in Icy Cold Hearts, Literally) (7th Eliminated At Season 2 in Sending A Message) (SS) (GG) (Similarity to Tyler) Katie and Sadie don't have any dinosaur counterparts because none of the dinos have actions similar to those two. It's currently unkown if Alejandro and Sierra have any dino counterparts. FF= Fighting Flatteeth SS= Super Sharpteeth GG= Girly Girls GB= Goonie Boys