| - Julian Bashir was the captain of the Starfleet Medical Academy racquetball team in 2368. His team won the Sector Championships in his final year. He played against a Vulcan in his final match, however, he found his greatest opponents were the ones with no formal training. At another tournament, he picked up a 5,000-year-old battle warm-up exercise from a top player. According to legend, the warm-up makes the heart a friend to the hand. (DS9: "Rivals") In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard introduced Jono to the game as a way of relieving stress. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" )
- thumb|Bashir und O'Brien spielen Racquetball. Racquetball ist ein Spiel von der Erde. An Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) spielt Captain Jean-Luc Picard im Jahr 2367 mit dem jungen Jeremiah Rossa eine Partie Racquetball. (TNG: ) Auf Deep Space 9 richtet Chief O'Brien bis 2370 eine Racquetball-Halle ein. Er ist überrascht, dass Dr. Bashir ebenfalls ein begeisterter Racquetball-Spieler ist. Bei dem gemeinsamen Spiel macht die Kondition des jüngeren Bashirs dem Chief schwer zu schaffen.
- Racquetball is a human game, designed for two to four players, who play inside a walled-court with short-handed rackets and a rubber ball. In the 2240s, Gary Mitchell was a keen player of racquetball and participated in many tournaments. Unfortunately, he lost interest in 2249 after losing in the singles tournament of the New York State championship. In the same year, James T. Kirk also participated in a tournament in Sioux City. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic) Marta Grindberg was a noted racquetball player who won a tournament held by Starfleet Medical. (DS9 novel: Saratoga)
| - thumb|Bashir und O'Brien spielen Racquetball. Racquetball ist ein Spiel von der Erde. An Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) spielt Captain Jean-Luc Picard im Jahr 2367 mit dem jungen Jeremiah Rossa eine Partie Racquetball. (TNG: ) Auf Deep Space 9 richtet Chief O'Brien bis 2370 eine Racquetball-Halle ein. Er ist überrascht, dass Dr. Bashir ebenfalls ein begeisterter Racquetball-Spieler ist. Bei dem gemeinsamen Spiel macht die Kondition des jüngeren Bashirs dem Chief schwer zu schaffen. Als O'Brien seine Sorgen gegenüber Quark äußert, kommt dieser auf die Idee, einen Wettkampf zwischen Bashir und O'Brien anzusetzen. Als Anreiz bietet Quark an, die Hälfte seines Profits dem bajoranischen Kriegswaisenfonds zu spenden. Für Quark scheint dies die ideale Gelegenheit zu sein, der scheinbar übermächtigen Konkurrenz durch den neu eingerichteten Club Martus zu begegnen. (DS9: ) Während der Verbindung zu Luther Sloans Gehirn meint Julian, dass Miles ihn mehr mag als Keiko und gibt als Begründung an, dass die Männer mehr gemeinsam haben. Zu den Gemeinsamkeiten zählen neben Racquetball auch die Vorlieben für Darts, Vic Fontaine's Lounge und Die Schlacht von Alamo. Miles ist anderer Meinung. Er gibt an, Keiko mehr zu mögen. (DS9: )
- Racquetball is a human game, designed for two to four players, who play inside a walled-court with short-handed rackets and a rubber ball. In the 2240s, Gary Mitchell was a keen player of racquetball and participated in many tournaments. Unfortunately, he lost interest in 2249 after losing in the singles tournament of the New York State championship. In the same year, James T. Kirk also participated in a tournament in Sioux City. (TOS - My Brother's Keeper novel: Republic) In an alternate reality, Nyota Uhura played competitive racquetball in school. She later taught Spock how to play it at Starfleet Academy. (TOS - Starfleet Academy novel: The Gemini Agent) In 2287, Kirk played several games of racquetball with a diplomat who the USS Enterprise was transporting to a summit on Starbase 49. (TOS novel: In the Name of Honor) Marta Grindberg was a noted racquetball player who won a tournament held by Starfleet Medical. (DS9 novel: Saratoga) In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard played a racquetball game against Jeremiah Rossa, in an attempt to break through the boy's Talarian conditioning and embrace his human emotions. (TNG episode: "Suddenly Human") In 2368, Julian Bashir was the captain of the Starfleet Medical Academy racquetball team. In his final game before graduation, he played against a Vulcan. (DS9 episode: "Rivals") In 2370, Miles O'Brien constructed a racquetball court on Deep Space 9 so that he and any other racquetball players on the station would have a court to play on. Doctor Julian Bashir soon discovered this court, and the two men played racquetball quite frequently. The Ferengi Quark seized upon the opportunity to raise funds for the Bajoran War Orphans Fund, by promoting a number of matches between Bashir and O'Brien. (DS9 episode: "Rivals")
- Julian Bashir was the captain of the Starfleet Medical Academy racquetball team in 2368. His team won the Sector Championships in his final year. He played against a Vulcan in his final match, however, he found his greatest opponents were the ones with no formal training. At another tournament, he picked up a 5,000-year-old battle warm-up exercise from a top player. According to legend, the warm-up makes the heart a friend to the hand. (DS9: "Rivals") In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard introduced Jono to the game as a way of relieving stress. (TNG: "Suddenly Human" ) In 2370, Miles O'Brien built a racquetball court aboard Deep Space 9. Not long after, Quark promoted a "charity match" between O'Brien and Bashir, with an undisclosed amount of the proceeds from wagering going to the Bajoran War Orphans Fund. The match began but was never finished due to disturbances in the Laws of Probability aboard the station. (DS9: "Rivals") After two months of Keiko O'Brien's absence in early 2371, Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir had played 70 games of racquetball. By late that year, they were up to 106 games, at which point they changed over to darts. (DS9: "Fascination", "Prophet Motive") Benjamin Sisko and Jake had scheduled a racquetball game in 2371, but it was delayed due to the activation of Dukat's counter-insurgency program. (DS9: "Civil Defense") O'Brien recalled playing one of many racquetball matches with Bashir as he was leaving Deep Space 9 after the end of the Dominion War. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")