| - Cray, conocido en Japón como Sea Mine (機雷 Kirai?, Trad. Mina de Mar), es un explosivo para uso submarino. Cray comienza su secuencia de detonación cuando un enemigo se aproxima a él. Cray tiene una cubierta protectora que lo previene de ser destruido antes de estallar. En Mega Man 4, y Mega Man III, Cray aparece en el Escenario de Dive Man -se puede concluir que es un enemigo "invencible"; sólo se auto-destruira si te acercas demasiado.__TOC__
- Cray was a seaman aboard HMS Renown. After Renown took the gun battery on Scotchman's Bay, Santo Domingo, Hornblower warned Cray to ram the wads handsomely so that improper action would not cause premature detonation and kill Cray and the crew.
- Captain Cray ist ein Mensch, der im 19. Jahrhundert in der britischen Marine dient. Sein Schiff geht in einem Taifun im Pazifik verschollen. In England glaubte man, alle wären ertrunken. Nach acht Monaten lief er in den Londoner Hafen ein. Sein Schiff bestand nur noch aus ein paar Planken und einem Segel.
- This brightly colored crustacean has four identical powerful limbs, a set of feelers situated about its mouth, and eyes set on stalks giving it an all round vision. If attacked, the cray is able to spin round to cut the aggressor to shreds with its sharp carapace. This herbivore occurs in lake lands
- Crays are NPC enemies that appear in various Dungeons, they are crustaceans that, when fully grown, are larger than a human.
- Cray is a playable Monk in the games Shining Force Gaiden and Shining Force CD.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire IV s|Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV Residents|Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Cray]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV Wielders|Cray]] Cray is a character within Breath of Fire IV. A burly member of the cat-like Woren tribe who wields a large wooden post and has feelings for Nina's sister, Elina.
- While on a voyage, his ship was hit by a typhoon in the Pacific Ocean, and everyone back in England thought the ship would never return. Eight months later, Cray and his crew sailed into London harbor, with the remains of his tattered ship, consisting of only a few planks and half a sail, according to some accounts. The basis of Chakotay's story best corresponds with the case of the HMS Calliope, the only vessel to survive a typhoon that hit Samoa in 1889.
- Cray is an alchemist that Ren and his friends saved from Dark Water when trying to collect a sample, and they found out that she was once involved romantically with Primus, and was in fact the "favorite" of all the court's ladies ("We had so much in common--music, travel, sailing...you couldn't have found a more perfect match...I was sure he was learning to love me..."), but broke off relations when she found out that she had competition in winning his heart.
- Cray was an Andorian chan or thaan serving in Starfleet during the 24th century. As of 2366, he held the rank of lieutenant, and was the chief security and tactical officer on the USS Grissom under Captain Norman Kenyon. Cray was a candidate for the position of executive officer when Commander Paullina Simons was promoted from that post to first officer, but the assignment was given instead to Lieutenant Commander Katerina Mueller. Cray believed Mueller had been responsible for the explosion of a fusion reactor core on the colony of Sarn, and thus unworthy of the promotion. This resulted in a strong degree of emnity between the two officers. (NF - No Limits short story: "Performance Appraisal")
- Brother Cray is a resident of Reole and a faithful adherent of Father Cornello and his Church of Letoism. As Cornello's deacon, Cray is charged with enforcement of the false priest's creeds and appears to have some knowledge of Cornello's plan to raise a rebel army within the town. However, as a true believer in Cornello's teachings about Leto, it seems that Cray is completely unaware that he and his fellows are being duped. Manipulating his loyalty, Cornello convinces Cray to assassinate Edward and Alphonse Elric before they can uncover the church's secret plans and report them to the government, but Cray underestimates the Elrics and is swiftly defeated. Unfortunately, upon regaining consciousness, Cray is thrown into confusion by the broadcast of Cornello's accidental confession. When h