| - The Time Vortex was also referred to as a time corridor (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) which may have accounted for the danger of creating other corridors through the Vortex. Kontron tunnels were time corridors in space rather than the Vortex. (TV: Timelash) Time corridors were primarily used by the Daleks. Despite being described as less advanced than other time technology, time corridors seemed to be easily capable of dragging a TARDIS off course to a specific location. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks, Resurrection of the Daleks, Remembrance of the Daleks) Time corridor technology was first used by the Daleks near the beginning of the Great Civil War. (TV: The Evil of the Daleks) In order to complete a corridor, the Daleks built time conduits that would serve as the ends of the corridor. If the conduit on a planet was destroyed, the Daleks would no longer be able to reach it via the time corridor. (AUDIO: The Mutant Phase) The Daleks used a time corridor as a link between themselves and Earth in 1984. There they had deposited samples of the Movellan virus that they would later need. Turlough accidentally travelled through the corridor and so the Doctor followed him in his TARDIS. Both the Daleks and Lytton's men used the corridor numerous times. (TV: Resurrection of the Daleks) Two Dalek Strategists and Dalek pilot escaped in a Time corridor. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks) The New Dalek Paradigm used a time corridor to escape destruction at the hands of Eleventh Doctor and Danny Boy. (TV: Victory of the Daleks) The Sontarans were also developing time corridor technology, constantly improving their advancements whereas the Daleks, at least according to the Sontarans, assumed they achieved perfection and so did not improve their methods. (AUDIO: The Five Companions) In emergencies, some crafts travelling within a time corridor could deploy an escape time corridor which could latch onto familiar technology. (AUDIO: The Time of the Daleks) The Osirans had developed a form of time corridor by making use of time spillage, but use of these corridors aged them the same amount that they travelled through time. While this was less of a problem for them than it would have been for other races given their exceptionally long life-spans, it was exploited by the Doctor to age Sutekh and Nephthys to death by trapping Sutekh in a corridor extending into the far future (TV: Pyramids of Mars) and tricking Nephthys into making a constant series of 140-year round trips, the two collapsing into dust. The fractured Eternity Clock created time corridors in four different eras of London, releasing the Silence in the Elizabethan Era, Silurians in the Victorian Era, Cybermen in modern day London and the New Dalek Paradigm in 22nd century London. The Eleventh Doctor and River Song travelled between these different times and collected the pieces of the Clock, which closed the time corridors and erased the alternate timelines created by the invading species. (GAME: Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock) The Eleventh Doctor accidentally jettisoned a room once, inadvertently creating a time corridor and allowing shadowy creatures to pass through and arrive in 1964. They were drawn to Earth because Ethan dropped his mobile phone in 1964, despite coming from 2014, which made them hungry. (COMIC: The Door to a Winter Long Ago)