Cregan Stark is an unseen character in Game of Thrones. He is long dead by the time of the series. He was a Lord of Winterfell and an ancestor of House Stark.
Cregan Stark is an unseen character in Game of Thrones. He is long dead by the time of the series. He was a Lord of Winterfell and an ancestor of House Stark.
Lord Cregan Stark, genannt der Alte Mann des Nordens, war der Lord von Winterfell und Kopf des Hauses Stark während des Drachentanzes. Er war der Sohn von Lord Rickon Stark und Lady Gilliane Glauer. Seine Herrschaft dauerte sehr lange.
Lord Cregan Stark (im Original: Cregan Stark) ist ein Charakter, der nicht in der Serie Game of Thrones gezeigt wird. Er ist bereits lange vor den Ereignissen der Serie verstorben und wird in der vierten Staffel sowie im Legenden und Überlieferungen zur fünften Staffel erwähnt. Er war der Lord von Winterfell und das Oberhaupt des Hauses Stark während des Tanz der Drachen.
Cregan Stark was a member of House Stark and Lord of Winterfell during the Dance of the Dragons and supported Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen's claim to the throne. The only son of Lord Rickon Stark and his wife Gilliane Glover, he was known as The Old Man of the North for his long rule. Later in his life he once fought against Prince Aemon Targaryen the Dragonknight and was barely defeated. Aemon noted he never fought a finer swordsman. He had three wives during his long lifetime: Arra Norrey, Alysanne Blackwood and Lynara Stark, and fathered in total ten children; five boys and five girls.