The Indigo Plague, also known as the Great Pestilence, is the devastating pandemic that swept across Eärwa in 2157 following the death of the No-God. According to legend, the pestilence swept up from the No-God’s ashes after his destruction at the hands of Anaxophus V in 2155. Mandate scholars dispute this, claiming that the No-God’s body was recovered by the Consult and interred in Golgotterath. Whatever the cause, the Indigo Plague ranks as among the worst in recorded history.
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| - The Indigo Plague, also known as the Great Pestilence, is the devastating pandemic that swept across Eärwa in 2157 following the death of the No-God. According to legend, the pestilence swept up from the No-God’s ashes after his destruction at the hands of Anaxophus V in 2155. Mandate scholars dispute this, claiming that the No-God’s body was recovered by the Consult and interred in Golgotterath. Whatever the cause, the Indigo Plague ranks as among the worst in recorded history.
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| - The Indigo Plague, also known as the Great Pestilence, is the devastating pandemic that swept across Eärwa in 2157 following the death of the No-God. According to legend, the pestilence swept up from the No-God’s ashes after his destruction at the hands of Anaxophus V in 2155. Mandate scholars dispute this, claiming that the No-God’s body was recovered by the Consult and interred in Golgotterath. Whatever the cause, the Indigo Plague ranks as among the worst in recorded history.