| - Francine: We have to do something about the Binky problem. Buster: Yeah, I haven't tasted a dessert all year. Arthur: What we need is an emergency anti-Binky plan. Brain: Let's examine Binky to discover his weaknesses. See, He's big, he's strong. His large feet root him solidly to the ground. Arthur: He's like a tree, execpt without the birds. Buster: A tree that can chase after you. Francine: I can't think of any weaknesses. Rattles: Hey, Binky, I don't see Sue Ellen anywhere. Binky: Thanks, Thanks a lot! I gotta go practice. Arthur: Binky, everybody's looking for you. Binky: Why? Binky: Well, don't.
| - Francine: We have to do something about the Binky problem. Buster: Yeah, I haven't tasted a dessert all year. Arthur: What we need is an emergency anti-Binky plan. Brain: Let's examine Binky to discover his weaknesses. See, He's big, he's strong. His large feet root him solidly to the ground. Arthur: He's like a tree, execpt without the birds. Buster: A tree that can chase after you. Francine: I can't think of any weaknesses. Rattles: Hey, Binky, I don't see Sue Ellen anywhere. Binky: Thanks, Thanks a lot! I gotta go practice. MS. KRASNY: Thank you, Prunella. Next, a classical piece for clarinet and alto saxophone. Arthur: Binky, everybody's looking for you. Binky: Why? Arthur: They're all aplotting you. Binky: Not me-- her. She was better than me. She beat me. Arthur: Always beating somebody isn't the most important thing. Binky: Well to me it is. I'm not the best at anything. I got held back a year, remember. Mine went higher. Everybody would laugh at me if I didn't beat them. Arthur: Maybe they wouldn't laugh at you, maybe they'd actually like you. Binky: What do you know? Arthur: All I know that together you and Sue Ellen sounded the best of anyone. Binky: Well, If I were gonna cry about it, I guess I could go back. Arthur: That's right. We're all crying. Binky: Well, don't.