| - Lieutenant Koufaks was a member of the human 9-man Resistance cell led by Colonel Mary Randall that assaulted a fully functional Skynet network complex 6 months after John Connor destroyed the Master Control central node. Within this facility was an operational Time Displacement Chamber, greater in scope than the prototype discovered by John Connor. Their mission was to utilize the TDE to return to 1984 and eliminate Skynet by killing key individuals in the Cyberdyne Systems heirarchy. I825.M, observed the infiltration of the cell but did not interfere directly. After reporting the infiltration to the Processing Command Center of the facility he activated defenders for the facility. Only 3 units were available for immediate activation; C890.L, C850.D, and HC875.S. 3 members of the team were killed during the assault, leaving Lieutenant Koufaks to remain and initiate the TDE to send the remaining 5 members of the team to the past. His orders were to destroy the unit in order to prevent any Skynet assets from following. Unfortunately for Koufaks, just as he began shooting the controls for the TDE, three terminators activated by I825.M captured him. After interrogation, the Terminators elected to use Koufaks as a gun cabinet, slicing open his belly and inserting a Plasma Pistol, then cauterizing the wound shut. The Terminators took Koufaks with them to the past with the partially repaired TDE. The damage he was able to inflict locked the target time coordinates for the unit. Upon arrival in the past, C890.L ripped the Plasma Pistol out of the poor lieutenant's body, terminating him.