| - Upper East Side is a 2011 Teenage Comedy Film written and directed by Paul Dinello and starring Alyson Stoner, Hayden Panatierre, Christina Millian, Jamie Chung, Laura Ramsey, Emma Stone, Chelan Simmons, Crystal Lowe, Mila Kunis, Heather Matarazzo and Robert Pattinson.
- With the exception of Dan and Jenny Humphrey who live on the Upper West Side, all of the main characters reside on the UES.
- Upper East Side El Upper East Side era uno de los barrios en la porción noreste del municipio de Manhattan en Nueva York.
| - Upper East Side is a 2011 Teenage Comedy Film written and directed by Paul Dinello and starring Alyson Stoner, Hayden Panatierre, Christina Millian, Jamie Chung, Laura Ramsey, Emma Stone, Chelan Simmons, Crystal Lowe, Mila Kunis, Heather Matarazzo and Robert Pattinson.
- With the exception of Dan and Jenny Humphrey who live on the Upper West Side, all of the main characters reside on the UES.
- Upper East Side El Upper East Side era uno de los barrios en la porción noreste del municipio de Manhattan en Nueva York.