| - notMiceElf was a Habbo US Staff Member until mid-2013. He was head of the Pixel Pusher group - the team that created pixel graphics for Sulake. He also ran the StrayPixels group and competitions. View his homepage here First working for Sulake's United States department in 2006/2007, notMiceElf, along with SmoothCriminal, were in charge of the graphics department. Together, they designed many new furniture lines and badges for the Habbos throughout the US and other foreign hotels. Some famous designs include the anti-squid furniture (now simply red pura) and the habbo football designs. notMiceElf used paint and Photoshop to draft templates and designs of certain furniture lines and badges, and even held interactive sessions with the Habbos in the Stray Pixels group to teach them the basics behind graphical art creation on computers. As a result, many Habbos shared their ideas and a lucky few had their designs chosen for certain badge distribution as well as stickers on home pages. Stray Pixels is no longer active, and it is still uncertain of his involvement with Habbo or Sulake. Some say he is still active because of his constant logging-in; however, some say he is inactive because he does not appear on the Habbo.com staff page. Nonetheless, notMiceElf has good strong security because there are always people out there who need graphic artists and salsa, two skills that Elfy has.