| - thumb|Selar (2365) Die Vulkanierin Lieutenant Selar ist ein medizinischer Offizier an Bord der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D).
- An accomplished physician who trained under Dr. Beverly Crusher as part of the USS Enterprise-D medical staff from at least Stardate 42437.5 to 46830.1 (2365 to 2370). Sometime after that (cir. 2373) and two years before she signed aboard USS Excalibur Stardate 50923.1 approx. (cir. 2375), she left the USS Enterprise-D for Vulcan in response to the Pon farr urges. On Stardate 50924.5 she was aboard the newly refitted Ambassador-class USS Excalibur when it was launched from Spacedock.
- V roce 2365 diagnostikovala chorobu doktorovi Gavesovi (TNG: The Schizoid Man). Dostala za úkol provést analýzu mrtvého Neda Quinna při krizi s Roninem (TNG: Sub Rosa). Nějakou dobu také sloužila za dr. Crusherovou při jejím suspendování v průběhu nezdařeného experimentu dr. Reygy (TNG: Suspicions). Později také pomáhala řešit problém se zpětnou evolucí posádky, když Beverly Crusherová náhodně omylem vyvine tzv. Barclayho virus (TNG: Genesis).
- Selar is a Vulcan female Starfleet officer in the 24th century. As of 2385, she was assigned onboard the Invincible-class Fleet Carrier-Heavy Battleship prototype USS Invincible as Assistant Chief Medical Officer.
- Il Tenente Selar fu un medico vulcaniano assegnato alla USS Enterprise-D per tutto il periodo attivo della nave. Nel 2365, Selar fece parte di una squadra di sbarco che rispose ad una richiesta di aiuto da Gravesworld. Selar fu inviata al posto della dottoressa Katherine Pulaski poiché l'Enterprise doveva recarsi a prestare assistenza ad una nave danneggiata, la USS Constantinople, che si trovava a diversi anni luce di distanza. La dottoressa esaminò il dottor Ira Graves, nonostante le di lui proteste, e gli diagnosticò la malattia di Darnay. Selar fu in seguito chiamata a rapporto nella sala discussioni dal Capitano Picard per discutere di quello che era accaduto su Gravesworld e magari per poter fare un po' di luce sul comportamento strano del Tenente Comandante Data (TNG: "L'uomo schizo
- Selar (2324-2379) was a female Vulcan Starfleet officer who served in the 24th century, having been born in 2324 with the name T'Para * (TNG novel: The Eyes of the Beholders). She was posted on the USS Enterprise-D as a doctor, and later promoted to chief medical officer on the USS Excalibur and the USS Excalibur-A. She has at least one brother, Slon, who is involved with a man named Sotok. (NF novel: Renaissance) One of her grandfathers served aboard the USS Intrepid during its tragic demise. (TNG comic: "The Modala Imperative")
- Porucznik Selar służy na U.S.S. „Enterprise” NCC-1701-D jako oficer medyczny.
* 2365 Czas Gwiezdny: 42437,5. Doktor Selar uczestniczy w misji zwiadowczej na Gravesworld, gdzie odkrywa, że prowadzący tam badania doktor Ira Graves -znany cybernetyk, jest śmiertelnie chory na chorobę Darnay’a.
* 2366 Ingerencja temporalna. Czas Gwiezdny: 43625,2. Doktor Selar jest oficerem medycznym na pokładzie „Enterprise-D” podczas spotkania U.S.S. „Enterprise” NCC-1701-C, który wyłonił się ze szczeliny czasowej przeskakując o 22 lata w przyszłość.
* 2369
* 2369
* 2370