| - ChiefjusticeDS Frosty Pup Romartus Simsilikesims Spike Xamralco is suck a noob. At least it's not sock a noob. 32. Roman Dog Bird beats EarthBound....twice. He requests that he have his username changed to "No-Life Fatass Fool". 31. CheddarBBQ ate a turkey leg. It was from a turkey. 30. Miley Cyrus has been 18 for 3 days now. Still no titties. 29. Mike Tyson arrives in search of Funnybony to beat his ass. I eat apples with him. 28. FUCK THE JEWS!!!! lol jk But seriously, those jews need to back the hell off. 27. Gay Luigi File:Itsa Luigi Time.png 26. Adolf Hitler rises to power in Germany, and World War II begins. 25. It's fucking cold outside. Fucking Cold. 24. Wikia breaks the site. So they're incompetent. What else is new? 23. There's 13 more days to do 23 more reflections. Well, 22 now... 22. Riker is done here. *yawn* 21. UFFL Championship Game: Oklahoma Boomers vs. Doritians Take II yay football. 20. 19 reflections left, 9 days... People start to panic and argue about whether or not stuff on this list should actually have something to do with Uncyclopedia. 19. Still not even close to a million. And still, nobody gives a shit. 18. Sockadelia puts herself on the list again because she can't think of anything else to add. Also, she whores one of her articles. 17. File:17 100.jpg 16. Zombiebaron goes on a crusade or something against the Game namespace. A bunch of games get VFDed, but nothing really changes. 15. The UnSignpost hits 100 issues. Splendid, if only you could be so productive. 14. I like big butts and I cannot lie. Ya'll other brothers can't deny. 13. Henry Rollins and Glenn Danzig call off their 26 year wedding engagement. 12. The greatest user on Uncyclopedia starts up a list on the infamous underground record label SST on Rate Your Music. I normally wouldn't do this kind of shameless self promotion, but this list needs more entries, damn it! 11. Also, I have a cold. This sucks. 10. It is Christmas Eve. For some reason, less than 80% of this site is currently wasted. 9. Riker is still hanging around, despite telling us he was done with Uncyclopedia. He calls a truce and Meganew fights back. 8. Just think about it for a minute. 7. All of the usual pee reviewers mysteriously vanish for several months. These two chumps pick up the slack. 6. The site's slowest reviewer finally reaches the Top ten of all time. Check back next year to see him ascend to position #9. 5. The Oklahoma Boomers win UFFL championship. "Oh. Well fuck me then." - Doritians, Take II 4. Romartus gives a featured guided tour of his home. Enabling Uncyc's frat to claims its first victim. 3. Roman Dog Bird replaces the main page with a shittyhilarious reference to Death Wish. 2. Dexter111344 makes it so that we need two more instead of one. 1. I have $5.09 left in my wallet. Before Christmas, I only had $2.04.