| - An eroge about a Japanese college student named Ibuki who has a thing for cats. After being approached by the Cat God for helping so many cats, he is granted a wish... to which he responds, "I want a Catgirl!" The next day he finds, much to his enjoyment, the cat girl Mikan in a cardboard box outside his house... And it turns out she's addicted to sex! This game, like most other eroge that aren't of the Plot With Porn persuasion, is crammed full of sex, innuendo and other forms of sexual hilarity. == This Game Provides Examples Of: a catgirl robot. Reimu]]). much this for her.
| - An eroge about a Japanese college student named Ibuki who has a thing for cats. After being approached by the Cat God for helping so many cats, he is granted a wish... to which he responds, "I want a Catgirl!" The next day he finds, much to his enjoyment, the cat girl Mikan in a cardboard box outside his house... And it turns out she's addicted to sex! Early on you meet the rest of the cast of characters: Hanabi, the slutty bunny girl thief; Shinju, a dog girl policewoman; Koboshi, a cat robot (who, surprise surprise, is also addicted to sex like the rest of the cast); Nanami, your landlord's daughter and other potential love interest, and Kohaku, a Shrine Maiden from the Cat Kingdom. This game, like most other eroge that aren't of the Plot With Porn persuasion, is crammed full of sex, innuendo and other forms of sexual hilarity. == This Game Provides Examples Of: ==
* Animal Motifs: The dog-girl is loyal (at least to the state; policewoman, right?) and constantly chasing after the rabbit-girl, an international criminal.
* Babies Ever After
* Beautiful Bunny Burglar: Hanabi.
* Catgirl: Mikan, of course. Hanabi has a catboy servant. Koboshi is a catgirl robot.
* Cute Shotaro Boy: Futaba is the catboy version.
* Detached Sleeves: Kohaku (making her slightly resemble [[Touhou Project Reimu]]).
* Dojikko: Koboshi and Hanabi's servant.
* [[Faeries Don't Believe in Humans, Either Faeries Don't Believe In Humans Either]]: The main character gets an Unwanted Harem of animal-eared girls from another dimension. It is revealed that humans - called "monkey-people", because our ears look like those of monkeys to them - are believed to be mythical or at least extinct.
* Girl in a Box: Mikan, natch.
* Happiness in Slavery: Hanabi's servant, despite his protests, is very much this for her.
* Meido
* Miko
* Only Sane Man: The dog girl is perhaps the sanest and most levelheaded of the all the Petting Zoo People.
* Petting Zoo People: All the girls except one, plus one guy.
* Robot Girl
* Shout-Out: The "Red Comet" is indirectly mentioned and there is a restaurant called the Excelion