| - Amya is a high-fantasy graphic novel. The story follows the adventures of a mute spell-touched and her unlikely companions as they are pulled into an adventure that is greater than any of them could have anticipated; or ever expect to fulfill. This unlikely group traverses a dangerous world in search of answers amidst a brewing war. For a young spell-touched named Faye, trips to the market are a regular endeavour. However, when she runs into a figure from her past they are unexpectedly tossed into a journey neither of them could foresee. Join the adventure of this unlikely due as they traverse a high-fantasy world in search of answers amidst a brewing war. For two young adventurers such as Accel and Faye, the town of Erishore seems 'questionable' at best. A string of recent murders brings a new challenge to the pair as they struggle to find their way home, meet a new companion, and catch wind of daunting news that brings a new sense of foreboding to their situation. Returning home seemed a simple task at first. However, as Accel and Kaden continue to lead Faye homeward they find the course of their fate is about to be altered for good. As the mystery surrounding Faye and her destiny continues to unravel, we will meet a new villain and find new friends along the road to Deepwall.
* Blue Eyes: Faye, of the beautiful and innocent type.
* Crash Into Hello: Accel tumbled down some stairs and crashed into Faye early in the story.
* Cute Mute: Faye.
* Differently-Powered Individual: "Spelltouched".
* Dreaming of Things to Come: At the very beginning, courtesy of Faye.
* Green Eyes: Accel.
* Hero with an F In Good: Vincent does his job because he needs to get paid - but when things start to go badly he doesn't hesitate to let his abductees loose.
* Rapunzel Hair: Faye.
* Role Playing Game Verse: Kolyaruts and tanglefoot bags are mentioned by name.
* Scarf of Asskicking: Accel. Well, scarf cape thing anyway.
* Sweet Polly Oliver: In the chapter two extras, it is revealed that Kaden is a female character.
* White-Haired Pretty Girl: Faye.
* You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Accel.