| - Jaden Korr was a Human male Jedi Knight and rebel soldier born on the galactic capital planet of Coruscant in 11 BBY. A former apprentice to Kyle Katarn, Jaden was considered by his peers to be a notable Jedi. Before Jaden started his career as a Jedi, he was a soldier for the Rebel Alliance. Jaden fought in major battles; the most notable being the First Battle of Mon Calamari. For three years, Jaden learned to accept his Jedi heritage that he never fully knew about. In 14 ABY, Jaden and his fellow Jedi brethren later experienced a brush with the ancient Sith, but in the end, the Jedi emerged victorious. After Jaden's encounter with the Disciples of Ragnos, he took Rosh Penin under his wing and retrained him because Rosh was, in a way, a traumatized Force user that had to relearn what he
| - Jaden Korr was a Human male Jedi Knight and rebel soldier born on the galactic capital planet of Coruscant in 11 BBY. A former apprentice to Kyle Katarn, Jaden was considered by his peers to be a notable Jedi. Before Jaden started his career as a Jedi, he was a soldier for the Rebel Alliance. Jaden fought in major battles; the most notable being the First Battle of Mon Calamari. For three years, Jaden learned to accept his Jedi heritage that he never fully knew about. In 14 ABY, Jaden and his fellow Jedi brethren later experienced a brush with the ancient Sith, but in the end, the Jedi emerged victorious. After Jaden's encounter with the Disciples of Ragnos, he took Rosh Penin under his wing and retrained him because Rosh was, in a way, a traumatized Force user that had to relearn what he had learned. Jaden participated in the Yuuzhan Vong War, which was a war that the New Republic and the New Jedi Order would never forget. In 36 ABY, Jaden joined with his Jedi brethren as they fought against the Khillik Hive in the Swarm War. Four years after the Swarm War, during Mara Jade Skywalker's funeral, Jaden confronted and dueled Han and Leia's oldest son, Jacen Solo, who was secretly known as Darth Caedus. However, that duel ended with no casualties. Twenty-six years later, Jaden survived yet another attack from the Sith on the rich and lush planet of Ossus, that was a chosen spot for the new Jedi Praxeum after the Praxeum on Yavin was destroyed during the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. For the next ten years, Jaden fought against the Sith.