| - Sobek is a crocodile god in ancient Egyptian religion, with power over the Nile river and over crocodiles.
- Sobek was a robot from Massachusetts competing in the Civil War competition and US Championship. For the Civil War, it represented the Union and reach the semi-finals having defeated runners-up The Revolutionist, but lost in Round One of the US Championships. Interestingly, out of three battles, two had House Robots interfering with Sobek and receiving yellow cards. Sobek is the name of the Egyptian God of crocodiles.
- Sobek (also called Sebek, Sochet, Sobk, and Sobki) is an ancient Egyptian deity. He is associated with the Nile crocodile and is either represented in its form or as a human with a crocodile head. Sobek was also associated with fertility, and military prowess, but served additionally as a protective deity who invoked protection against the dangers of Nile river.
- Sobek is one of the few pirates that got #1 treasure drop on opal, besides that he also has #1 rumble, drinking,hearts carpentry and poker. He has about 130 different trinkets and he's the first main opal player that won a treasure drop familiar on opal.
- Sobek (セベク?) is a demon in the series.
- Sobek is a Thomas and the Evil Snake Monster song.
- thumb|left|200px|Symbol Sobka Sobek. File:3f-logo.gif Ten fragment dotyczy świata Zapomniane Krainy 3 ed.
- Sobek is a super-villain in the DC Universe who pretended to be an ally of Black Adam when he was a hero.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Eagle Nebula / Amun System / Second planet
- Sobek var en Goa'uld Systemherre som en gång bildade en allians med Kali och Bastet. Efter en framgångsrik kampanj han avrättades vid firandet fest. Hans huvud pryder förment Bastet palats i Bubastis. (SG1: "Summit") Kategori: Goa'uld Kategori: Nämnd endast SG-1 karaktär Kategori:Systemherrar
- Sternensystem: SobekLokalität: Chephrem (Bündnis)
- Sobek was the disguise of Professor Salasar, based upon her interpretation of the deity of the same name.
- Sobek was a widely worshipped Egyptian deity, the god of water, warfare, strategy, crocodiles and the Nile. He was mainly worshipped in his major cult centre, Crocodilopolis. He is often shown as the son of Set, the god of chaos and Neith, goddess of hunting. The Egyptians worshipped him to protect them when they went on boats in the water. The temples in Crocodilopolis often had pools with crocodiles whom they treated with respect and care. He was also sometimes a creation deity, in which he emerged from Nun, the Sea of Chaos, and created Ben Ben, the first piece of land. In this form, he was often seen as an epithet of Ra, the god of the sun.
- Another account has Sobek survive into 2003, where he made his way to the Ilempiri homeworld, seeking control of a parasite trapped in a chamber on the planet. To this end, bounty hunter Aris Boch was hired to capture SG-1 so that Sobek could take Doctor Daniel Jackson as his new host to translate the chamber. However, Sobek's control over Daniel was weakened by both the parasite within the chamber and Sobek's own need to keep Daniel's consciousness more active than the Goa'uld preferred in order to access the subtle nuances of Daniel's linguistic knowledge. These factors, combined with his greater age and lack of a sarcophagus, eventually forced Sebek to abandon Daniel before his death, leaving Daniel relatively unharmed from his time as a host (SG1: "Siren Song").
- Sobek is the Egyptian crocodile god, whose sweat creates the rivers of the world. He was the patron god of the Egyptian army, royal warriors and a defender of the Pharaoh and the people of Egypt.
- Sobek – bóg-krokodyl czczony w Fajum i Kom Ombo. Jeden z bogów Nilu i odrodzenia, a także symbol potęgi i odwagi (w tym sensie patron straży i świty faraona). Uważany za syna Neit. Kategoria:Bogowie egipscy
- Sobek ist ein Wasserstoff/Stickstoff-Gasgigant, der angeblich extrasolar ist und "eingefangen" wurde. Auf seinen Monden ist die Gravitation sehr gering, und während des Anhur-Aufstands befanden sich dort zahlreiche batarianische Arbeitslager, in denen Rohstoffe für den Krieg gefördert wurden. Als Eclipse die Sklaven schließlich befreite, stießen die Söldner katastrophale Zustände. Enige Lager verfügten nicht einmal über Masseneffektfelder, um die Gravitation auf ein erträgliches Maß zu bringen. Die meisten Sklaven litten unter Knochenschwund, was zugleich der Höhepunkt der Erniedrigung durch ihre "Herren" war - sie konnten auf einer Welt mit normaler Schwerkraft nicht merh überleben.
- Kategorio:Sciencaj faktoj300px|right Sobek estis la dio krokodilo, el bonfara karaktero, kreinto de Danubo kiu estiĝis el lia ŝvito; dio de la fekundeco, la vegetaĵaro kaj la vivo en la egipta mitologio. Li estas rilatigita kun la kardinala punkto Nordo. La grekoj nomis lin Sukos , kio estas "krokodilo" kaj identigis lin kun Helios. Sobek estis bildigita kiel krokodilo aŭ viro kun krokodila kapo, kun la Atef-krono. En la Malalta Epoko li ankaŭ povas aperi kun kapo el falko, bovo, ŝafo aŭ leono. Sobek estas kultata jam ekde la unuaj dinastioj egiptaj.
- Sobek is an Ancient Egyptian god, associated with the flooding Nile river and with the Nile crocodile. He was the manifestation of the destructive potential of the annual flood, but also, under the control of the Pharaoh, he was considered a benign force, a repairer of evil. Just before sunset on Halloween, 2006, Lady Jettatura invoked Sobek, using a man named Jasper Larmouth and a crocodile. In corporeal form, he looked like a muscled, scaly humanoid with a crocodilian head. Lady Jettatura used an ankh to evoke the Pharaoh's authority over Sobek, giving him orders in Demotic Egyptian.
- Most of Sobek's temples were located "in parts of Egypt where crocodiles were common." Sobek's cult originally flourished around Al Fayyum where some temples still remain; the area was so associated with Sobek that one town, Arsinoe, was known to the Greeks as Crocodilopolis or 'Crocodile Town.' Another major cult centre was at Kom Ombo, "close to the sandbanks of the Nile where crocodiles would often bask. Some temples of Sobek kept pools where sacred crocodiles were kept: these crocodiles were fed the best cuts of meat and became quite tame. When they died, they were mummified and buried in special animal cemeteries. In other areas of Egypt, however, crocodiles were dealt with by simply hunting and killing them.