| - The Korriban Agreement was a treaty signed in 3,462 BBY on the Sith world of Korriban at the end of the bloody Jedi Conquest hosted by the neutral Ithorians. The war-weary Sith had suffered through years of non-stop war and the Jedi Conquest saw untold destruction of Sith worlds. Those worlds soon fell under the control of a joint assault by the troops of the Republic, Jedi, Paecian, Hutts, and the Allied Tion who were united after the signing of the Treaty of Axxila. The Korriban Agreement was a Republic and Jedi plan of military occupation and reconstruction of Sith Space. At the Korriban Conference, the leaders of the Republic, Paecian Empire, Hutt Grand Council, and Allied Tion Sector signed The Korriban Agreement forming The Protectorate, a territory of the former Sith worlds put under Jedi jurisdiction. The Jedi High Council appointed a Jedi Inquisition to oversee the disarmament and demilitarization of the Sith Worlds while the Republic, Paecian, Hutts, and Tionese appointed members for an Advisory Council while sending legions of troops to form the Protectorate Liberation Army. The Jedi Council would appoint the Jedi Grand Inquisitor who was made into the Supreme Commander of the PLA. Thousands of worlds and billions of citizens that were under Sith control for hundreds of years soon found themselves under a new Jedi regime. The Protectorate was led by a council of illustrious Core-worlders and the powerful Jedi Inquisitors.