| - The Highlandic Navy, (HN) is the principle naval warfare service branch of the Highlandic Armed Forces. Having only traced it's origins back to 3530 as a fighting force, it is the youngest and smallest branch of the Highlandic Armed Forces. However in it's short history, the navy and it's predessesor navies have been at the forefront of regional politics for the past few centuries. Playing a crucial part in anti - piracy and stability operations along the White Highlands coastline. The Navy maintains a significant array of coastal defence vessels, patrol vessels, logistical ships as well as several frigates - it's primary role encompassing that of coastal defence and anti - piracy operations in supporting the coast guard. The Highlandic Navy operates as part of the Naval Service, which also compromises the Naval Kommandoes - the amphibious infantry arm of the Naval Service. The professional head of the service is the Grand Commodore, who is a member of the defence council of the Highlandic Federation. The Highlandic Navy operates from two bases, Neudorf and Mellanti, which are the only naval bases in White Highlands.